French = Love

Nov 23, 2006 15:32

I thought I'd share some of the wonderful things I've been listening to lately:

The Prince's song is even MORE magical in french... And I like Snow White's French voice much more than her English one.

I love Jodi Benson, but French!Ariel's voice is ♥ ! It's wonderful in Italian as well...

And the reprise is ♥ as well.

Something There from Beauty and the Beast... I love this XD;

Belle in French, like it should be ;D

Belle Reprise...I've always loved it..but especially in French, of course ;D.

Sing Sweet Nightingale from Cinderella. Her voice is quite breathy, though.

But despite it's breathiness, it's still beautiful ;D. A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes. And now for some Korean, which I have developed a liking for after my friend made me watch 20hrs of Stairway to Heaven, a Korean drama which, despite its annoyingly-platonic over-dramatized-ness, I ended up loving.

I've posted this before, but just the sound. It's very pop, but I still like it :D;

And this is Reflections in Cantonese and Mandarin, with Korean dialogue in the background

Reflections in French. The sound quality is not so good :/ And the singer in English is better for this song, I think.

She sounds great in Honor to Us All, though.

So This is Love...which is pure love ♥ :DDDD.

I Won't Say I'm in Love. I love how Disney has become so much more comical in it's "love songs" XD! The quality is bad, but it's still great.

Can You Feel the Love Tonight...♥

I LOVE Colors of the Wind...especially in french ;D

Oh wow, this is great! Once Upon a Dream... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ !!!!

I Wonder :DD

Once Upon a Dream in Korean

Speaking of Korean, here's A Whole New World in Korean... I love Aladdin's voice...and Jasmine's :D!

And A Whole New World in French! ♥ !

I know The Swan Princess isn't Disney, but this Far Longer than Forever in French is wonderful. Well, I've run out dubbed animated feature songs! D:! BUT, I do have one last thing in French that I LOVE: Phantom of the Opera! :D! Here's Think of Me:

And Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again:

And Down Once More is really great:

And finally, my favoritest (yes, I am aware that this is not a word XD; ) ever thing dubbed in French: Point of no Return!

I think Cecilia Cara's voice is weaker than Emmy's, but I still love her!
That's it for all of the You-Tube-vid raping! XD!

I went to see Tosca yesterday, but it didn't really do anything for me. I think Puccini went overboard with the drama. Maybe it was the singers or the story or the music (which I actually though was very nice), but for whatever reason it didn't get to me.

Speaking of the singers, I've really heard better. During the first act, you could barely hear the two leads over the orchestra. I think the woman who played Tosca's voice was just wrong for the part. That, or I just didn't like it in general. Maybe I'm biased, but I think my teacher sings the role better, though I've only heard her sing that one aria "Vissi D'Arte".

I forgot what time I was supposed to be at the operahouse, so I got there about an hour early XD;;. I spent the extra time at the Gift Shop, which has so much cool stuff! And they have soooooooooo many DVD's! The have the La Traviata movie that I saw on DVD! But my mom's all, "We have it on tape! D:!" Yeah, bootleg 859403-year-old tape... Oh well. What I REALLY want is the La Traviata Slazburg production with Anna Netrebko and Rolando Villazon. Yes, yes, blah blah blah too modern and sucky blah blah, but I want to decide that for myself! Besides, I still love their voices, even if they're not that good. I can't tell anyway XD;! I dunno, I think that you shouldn't judge people who are better than you, even if they're not that good. Me? I'll wait on criticizing opera singers until I can call myself one...

Anyway the REASON I was going to the opreahouse alone was because I was going to see a movie before...

Yeah, so I went to see Borat 'cause someone told me I might like it (other people had told be so beforehand, but I listened to him because he was an adult and XD )

Well, it was pretty funny at a lot of parts... All of the anti-anti-semitist jokes were HILARIOUS... I won't get all religious-blah-blah-blahing on you guys, but I think that being angry at/scared of the jews is ridiculous. If anything, they've been so great after being constantly abused and harassed for CENTURIES. I mean, the Inquisition, the whole fight over Israel...

Anyway, moving on...

I feel bad for Kazakstan. I wonder why he chose that particular country? I don't remember reading anything about them being particularly anti-semitist....

It was SO vulgar... I could really have lived without all of that. I mean...there was one part where I actually had to shut my eyes...for at least 10 minutes. >.<;;

Overally, I'd give it a D+ because it was funny and shows a lot of the things that are wrong with the way a lot of Americans think. I wouldn't recommend it... Maybe if it was censored...a LOT...XD; Too bad, because really was quite funny.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy yourselves and don't eat too much! ;D  

dubs, french, borat, disney, tosca

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