[exo] ask.fm drabble dump #1

Nov 29, 2014 23:07

title: Shut Up and Kiss Me
pairing: Luhan/Xiumin
word count: 879words
rating: pg-13
a/n: originally posted here. for the amazing amanda! ♡

Shut Up and Kiss Me

Luhan likes the idea of putting together a small post-finals party at Minseok's room. But it’s always just the two of them since Minseok’s the only one who indulges Luhan’s tendencies to host them at 2 am on a weekday.

(“They’re all pussies, I say.” Minseok laughs at him, “No they’re not. It’s that we’re the only ones who get to finish two days ahead of them.”)

“Where’s your roommate?” Luhan looks around before plopping onto the bottom bunk. The cans of beer rattle as he lets them fall on the floor.

Minseok dutifully picks them up. “Junmyeon’s in the library. He’s been sleeping there for a week, at most.” He shoves Luhan a plastic bag of junk foods.

"You're prepared for once!" Luhan squeaks in glee, opening up a bag.

"Yeah well, might as well contribute something." Luhan stares at him, squinting even. What has Minseok eaten? Minseok just shrugs. "I know that face. Stop it."

"What? I was going to suggest we play a game instead of just whining about school."

"You're the only one whining about school." Minseok sighs, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"What?" Luhan joins him, leaning his back against the bed and cradling the chips and beer between his legs.

Minseok opens up a can. "Anyway, let's play truth, dare or shot."

"Truth, dare or what?"

"Shot. You avoid truth or dare and drink a whole can of beer." The grin on Luhan's face screams misfit and it should probably scare Minseok. He's used to it anyway. "You go first."

"Death." Minseok grumbles, "Truth."

There's something awful about the way Luhan is grinning harder than before (if it were even possible).

"Have you ever caught Junmyeon jerking off and helped him?"

"Nope. He’s probably too holy to do stuff like that." Luhan groans at the indifferent answer. Minseok just gnaws on some chips, lips curving up into a smile.

Luhan nods absently. “Hmmm, the type to search up porn with censoring.”

Minseok takes a long look at him before he ends up laughing. "Your turn. Poor kid’s gonna be tripping all over the place.”


It takes Minseok a while to think up of a question. He bites his lips in concentration and Luhan thinks it’s adorable.

He looks at Luhan straight in the eye, "I saw you staring at that Sehun kid last week, have you gotten into his pants yet?" He misses the jealous tone Minseok injects whenever he mentions Sehun’s name.

The question takes Luhan aback. Minseok's usually the subtle person, not the type to pry into other people's sex life. Luhan spills some of his beer on his jeans and shouts a shot, downing his can all at once. "That's cheating you know."

"No it isn't. Your turn."


"You're boring. What's gotten into you?" Luhan pouts.

"Says the one who called shot after being asked about that Sehun kid. Your latest conquest failed you?" Minseok teases. Luhan recounts the beer cans and contemplates whether Minseok is drunk or not and by his count, no.

Luhan wasn't on a conquest to get into Sehun's pants. But there is someone- "Lu, it's your turn."

"Shot." He opens another can and chugs it down. He's not drunk enough for this.

"I call dare." Minseok smiles, he's luring him into something, he knows it. The alcohol in his system doesn't help though, it's blocking his rational thinking and sending him into a fit of giggles.

“Remember that kid, what’s his name, the one you were so googly eyes with?”

“That was two years ago.”

“What’s his name again?”


“Yeah, he had a nice ass.” Minseok frowns at him, finishing yet another can of beer.

“What’s your point?”

Luhan smirks at him. “You’re not over him, are you?”

“I’m over him.”

“Really now?”

“Yes, Luhan. I’m over him.”

“Doesn’t seem like it.” He points to the CD rack beside Minseok’s lamp. It was a gift from Jongdae for who knows what, filled with CDs Jongdae recorded some of his songs in.

“Seriously, what’s your point? I’m over him.” Minseok groans.

“Prove it.”


"I dare you to kiss me." The second it came out of Luhan's mouth, he groans internally at his stupidity. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Minseok probably really isn’t over that Jongdae guy and he’s just asking for a heartbreak. Minseok’s a great friend and Luhan should know where he’s not allowed to push. His heart isn’t cooperating though.

While Luhan is ripping his hair off mentally, Minseok leans over to kiss him full on the lips, closed mouthed and it has Luhan gasping from surprise. Something in Luhan’s chest quivers maybe his heart or his lungs or maybe the alcohol. Fuck. Did Minseok really kiss him?

“Did you really just kiss me?”

“You literally asked.” Minseok smiles, still close to Luhan’s face. If Luhan moves forward a bit, they’ll be kissing again and Luhan wants that. Wants to cup Minseok’s face and kiss him all over. He doesn’t though.

“Would you do anything I ask?” Minseok laughs, breath fanning on his face. He smells like beer and cheddar and it’s not entirely gross. “I’m serious.” Luhan frowns and Minseok is all gums and teeth when he puts a hand on Luhan’s cheek.


“Kiss me again, like you mean it.”

title: Forever Will Never Be Enough
pairing: Luhan/Xiumin??
word count: 183words
rating: pg-13
a/n: originally posted here. thanks for the prompt fairyminseok!

Forever Will Never Be Enough

"How many 'forever's has it been, Minseok?" Luhan presses his forehead against the thick glass separating the two of them. Minseok doesn't stir from his side but Luhan continues. "How many 'forever's do I have to go through to meet you again?"

Minseok doesn't move from his chair but he lets himself bore holes into Luhan's eyes from his intense gaze. "Minseok, please." Luhan is begging again, there's nothing new. In his room, isolated from everything, isolated from Minseok, he has no shame. There is no concept of dignity.

"Please, come back home Minseok."

"Luhan," Minseok sighs and immediately Luhan meets his eyes. Minseok is clad in a white coat and a frown and Luhan sees him like this everyday, and he knows it's not Minseok. The Minseok he knows smiles and laughs and the Minseok he knows wasn't a psychologist in a mental asylum. His Minseok is a synonym for warmth and love and home.

The person who called him may have Minseok's face, his voice, his body. But he isn't Minseok.

"Come home, Minseok." There's new tears trickling down his face and feels sticky and Luhan wipes them away harshly. When he looks down at his sleeve, there's blood instead of tears. "Minseok! Minseok what's this? Why is there blood?"

There's a click and the man with Minseok's face is gone. "Goodbye, Luhan."

title: Kissses
pairing: Kai/Xiumin
word count: 170words
rating: pg-13
a/n: i'm sorry this is so short ansa. ;_; originally posted here.


Jongin's been teleporting all around the house and flicking Minseok's ear and poking his cheek. It's cute but two hours of pestering has Minseok on the edge of bursting.

So Minseok decided to keep him still. He sat on the couch and stayed still, waiting for Jongin to come from behind him. In the silence of the apartment, he hears a woosh and before Jongin could touch his cheek, Minseok freezes everything, enveloping the living room in ice.

Minseok turns around and Jongin stands frozen with his arm outstretched. Minseok kisses the grin he has on his face, simultaneously unfreezing the room lest the plotted plants die. "Got you."

Jongin takes in a deep breath and wraps his arms around Minseok's middle, pulling him closer. "You've finally learned to control your teleporting and you're wasting it on bothering me. Seriously, Jongin."

"Hey, I got a kiss. It's not all bad." Minseok smiles and finally, finally, he can pin this kid down on the couch and kiss him all morning long.

title: Blue Jeans
pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol
word count: 399words
rating: pg-13
a/n: another prompt from canadaphile. title from Lana Del Rey's Blue Jeans. originally posted here.

Blue Jeans

"Chanyeol, please get your hand out of my back pocket." Baekhyun coughs, catching the perpetrator red handed. Chanyeol tenses up behind him, ready to retract his hand but failing. He keeps tugging incessantly and after a few forceful tugs, Baekhyun falls with him onto the floor.

Baekhyun furiously (re: cutely) growls at him. "Hey! Get your hand out of my pocket, Chanyeol! I have work to do!" The smaller man squirms only to grind his ass back onto Chanyeol's hand.

"As much as I want to Baek, I can't." Chanyeol sighs and wraps his other hand around Baekhyun's middle.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"We are stuck. Well, I am, for the most part," Chanyeol nuzzles his nose against Baekhyun's hair, sniffing the vanilla shampoo and basking at how strong it smells. His Baekhyunnie is cute when he's being flustered and trying to ignore his presence.

"But I have to finish this report tonight," Baekhyun leans back and whines.

Chanyeol helps him up and leads the way to the couch. He sits there and positions Baekhyun onto his lap. "I'm sorry. But here, you can do you thing while I watch TV, okay?" Baekhyun has no choice anyway but to nod, leaning his side against Chanyeol while the other settles his chin on Baekhyun's shoulder to peer at both the laptop screen and the TV.

An hour of scanning the channels has Chanyeol bored out of his wits. So he tries to pull his hand out of the smaller man's pocket but to no avail. He sighs. This is going to take a while. Silly Baekhyun and his ridiculously tight jeans.

Feeling extremely bored, Chanyeol tests something. He pinches Baekhyun's butt and the smaller one yelps in surprise, almost tossing the laptop. "Yah, Park Chanyeol, what the hell are you doing?"

"Testing a hypothesis." Chanyeol hums delightedly at the result.
Baekhyun fixes him a glare and scoffs. "And what stupid hypothesis did you come up with that you necessarily had to grope my ass?"

"If I grope you enough, you'd stop doing that report and make out with me." And there's that pink color on Baekhyun's cheeks again making Chanyeol croon at the cute little one in his lap. "So, wanna test out my other hypothesis?" He winks. Baekhyun sets aside his schedule and kisses Chanyeol as good as his position can allow.

"I may be up for it."

-feel free to send me prompts on my ask.fm. i really don't bite. uwu
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