Jan 23, 2006 21:31
I went to bed really early instead on Friday night..I was feeling very very sick...Saturday I went to work..still feeling kinda lousy, but I got over it by the end of the day..and ended up going out with Sheila that night to go see the finals of the wrestling tournament, and then to see Hostel...and then to go to McDonalds...It was a pretty good time...Sunday morning me, Jennie and Pam went to bickfords and then to petco to get CHUCK!!! He's my new goldfishy and I absolutly loveeeeee him. Then me and Jennie headed to Brookline for our swim meet...and I beasted...again....except not really--I wasn't swimming very fast times--but you get used to that after a few meets...
Today was school, my first day in my new chem and english classes..(I finally got out of Patch's Chem classsss!! booyaaaa) I might actually do well in school now..But you never know...I went on a secret expedition after school with Marc...it was....interestingly fun...But so is life I guess...
Now I'm feeling pretty lightheaded and stomach sick and stuff..but thats probably from not eating enough...I don't know, its bed time..