Apr 09, 2006 10:28
Ok so I had a bit of a far off dream yesterday that made a few connections to different games. All around it was just a cool dream, or at least the part I liked and want to recall.
Ok so somewhere in the world me and a bunch of these people are like doing research on something. We have this big ass tent that strecths for some length. We got a bunch of test tubes, lap tops, etc. Our team is lead by this older dude that reminds me of that actor Shawn Coneray. Hes usally around supervising 24/7 no matter what! The last few days hes been in and out though, so some of us have been wandering away enjoying ourself a tad bit.
So I set out of the research area into the near by city with my friend Breigh(haha woots). Thing is we walk this as everyone in the research team are Wiccans(do no harm to nature), though we clearly breached that a few times. Me and Breigh decide to go to the movies, which we thought would be alot of fun. These threaters were old tech beyond believe!! They had to pull up moving trucks with their headlights on to project the movie, wtf!?! lol. Before we entered though I saw some crazy guy I ran into the other day. The guy was like a Jason(Fridaythe 13th movies) but with the claw like arm of Freddy. Luckly the guy seemed to be hammered extremly bad.
Saddly our movie wasn't working so we went to leave, till two guys came in after us. We gave them the slip, but was pretty shoke up about it. I took one of them out though, as I got this really wierd hateful urge that came over me out of no where. So like ya Breigh and I just keep running into all these wierd people(most orignate from City of Heroes/Villains), till one day two different groups of them laid a assauslt on our base.
The two groups just starting slaughtering everyone/thing and seemed to have been looking for me and/or Breigh. One group that was witohut a doubt a rip off of the Council(CoX) started torching the place and near by woods with flamethrowers. Then there was just some other group which I don't believe came from any of those games. I got a hold of a four wheeler one of them drove in on and me and Breigh took off. She clinged onto me hard I felt she was going to rip me in off.
Ok so Breigh here disappears off the quad from nowhere !!! I keep riding making sure I'm not followed till I see the Old man running our place. Hes on this little bowl like thing made of ice, thats up in the air. Ok I believe its what u call a pinacale usally found in deserts? Theres a near by land formation that resembles a ramp that I use to make it over there barely! I was like a seasaw on the ledge for a minute. I get out and ask him for help! I start to tell him what happened and he dosnt say a thing and just silences me. These charm things are brought up which I know I have some of, which are supposed to be of a very significent value.
The two of us talk for a while and I show him all the charms I have. Only two of the seven are real. He askes me how I feel lately and I tell him like complete crap, and what is up with these instance moments I feel nothing but anger and rage. The old man tells me to go seek a man elsewhere that can explain it better then him, and can help me.
So I finally arrive at the house of the man. He lives in like the upper half of a very large building in middle of a city. I go up there and find the man. I can't help but stare at him. He looks exactly like me! except he has a sexy looking beard/mustache going on which I don't. He explains that I'm not quite what you call human neither is he. Without a constant source of these red orbs(The ones from God of War) I grow dark, bitter, and hateful till the point the human body can't withstand it and I transform into a dark mystic creature of some sort. Each person that is like this transform into there own unquie thing. He said the old man used to supply me these in my food and air in the tent(he actually said "us" refering to me and Breigh or me and the team not sure). Anyways he goes back inside and locks the door and have some naughty time with some of his lady friends. He gave me a few different suppliments of these orbs and said two injections a day will work.
So I'm trying to comprehend this all with this beautiful looking gal he left me with outside. Till I turn into a four legged giant looking dog, that has tentacles that extend out of back to great distances(as I transform before I get some orbs injected). However it only lasts a few seconds, so I quickly inject them. My lady friend and I don't even have sex though, cause I'm a idiot or scared.... So I leave to find out more about myself and these guys that wanted these charms and why they wanted them! Then my dream ends
I myself think that would make a awesome movie meh. Pretty sweet dream it was though. Any thoughts on it?