Dec 31, 2006 01:01
So yeah. Went to a dance for and LDS New Year's party because...well New Year's is on a Sunday and to keep the Sabbath day holy they went ahead and did it tonight.
...not really that I'm complaining.
Okay, well, maybe at first.
About 99.9% of the time I am absolutely paranoid around other people and this I dunno. It was okay and I was starting to get antsy when this slow song started up...and this totally random guy I'd been wiggling with previously (in the classical "I don't know how to dance but I am DAMN sure I look like an idiot so I do it anywayz!" style) suddenly just like...asked me to dance. XD It wasn't a SLOW dance it was more a llittle over the top, your cliche proclaim your romance high to the heavens kinda song. *snerkies*
So we're kinda dancing funky and stupid and twirling and generally dancing in the retarded way that anyone will do when you're trying to be cool and smooth whilst being retarded.
And I run into him a few times.
And one time I end up resting my head against his shoulder because of one of the aforementioned running into times. And he freaking HUGS me.
Like...that cinch...cute kinda hug that shojo mangas love to clench on.
...I think I about passed out....
I know now why I hate dances. Not only do I embaress easily but somehow there's always this random nice guy just like...LURKING around to find someone to dance with that would rather be in a fire ant hole than at THAT dance.
...and yeah. I'm just gonna crawl in a corner now.
I feel a little sad because well...I tried to tell my mum and...*sigh* I guess after all the crap they keep giving me about being pretty and girly and suddenly when I want to talk about this to my mum and all she's like is "Well, I'm glad you had a good time. Night..."
..I guess I kinda wanted to sit and be amazed with someone for a while.
I didn't really think someone would randomly just...DO THAT. Or even...just...nevermind...
mormon new year's