(no subject)

Dec 31, 2007 00:08

So okay, I've had this new job being the coolest dude at the grocery store for a bit now. It's not bad, you know, for now! But! The bastards are making me work every holiday-type thing ever. I worked Christmas Eve until closing, and now I'm working New Year's Eve until the goddamn ball drops. On the plus side, I don't really care! There are twenty-four hours in a day, and I can easily pull any eight hours out of it to stand about and do some easy-ass cash-handling. And for nine dollars an hour, I could even stick around for a while!

Plus, talking to people is a pretty good way to find more things to put on my Big Scary List for 2008. So far it's all mahjong and rocking out, but I really hope to do things a bit further from my range of expertise in oh-eight. LIKE WOMEN HAW HAW HAW HAW Like taking up boxing, or meditation, because hitting people and being calm are two things that fall way beyond my physical-slash-mental setup. Hopefully I'll think of some things a little more off the deep end to try by this time tomorrow, eh?

Okay, why the hell did I just think of slash fanfiction between physical and mental setups?
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