Jan 21, 2016 01:30
QOTD: "Tough times never last, but tough people do."
My last night with ABG went pretty smoothly. It was very warm today, in the high 50s, but after the sun went down, the wind picked up and it was really unpleasant. Even Jeff was complaining that no one should live in a place where the air hurts your skin. Every time I went out to do an RN, I was grateful anew that I don't have to do inventory on Wednesdays. Inventory now falls every day to the remaining lot loader, Chris, a 70-something year old man who, while possessing a remarkably positive attitude, takes a long time to walk all those lots. It's physically demanding. The first four months I did the job, I kept a pillow on the floor next to my bed to step on in the morning because my feet were so sore every day from walking.
My anxiety continues to increase on nearly an hourly basis concerning my YPP interview. I'm hoping exhaustive preparation will help, but I suspect that until I'm done with it I won't feel a damn bit better. And I thought I bombed the summary section of the written exam, so how bad could I have done that I advanced? I'm very good with interviews, so I should have more confidence in my abilities. The real problem is that usually I don't care. I wouldn't even go to the trouble of preparing. But this time it matters to me. I can't even remember the last time something really mattered to me. I tend to be very que sera, sera, but this time I'm super worried. This would mean so much to me. And even if I got it and even if I got a spectacular duty station, I'm so out of practice and I haven't been keeping up with my skills development and there's all kinds of other things to worry about - I'm trying to worry about my most immediate problems first, but I'm being subverted by my own optimism, which is really unusual and which I really hate. I so very much don't want to be disappointed. I was hoping I could use my personal days to relax, play some games, and maybe go shopping. But I'm going to be using it all to prepare for the next hurdle. I hate when everything happens at once.
On my checklist from (technically) yesterday:
I achieved breakfast (two scrambled eggs with dill).
Gym time was had and very successful (Jordon was there! I hit my 140 mark on back squats and maintained my 87.2 on bench press and realized I was stupid stupid stupid for thinking I could go up to 90 already. Completed my 4,6,4,4,6 on chin-ups, though my last two were a kipping mess.) The tone in my thigh muscles is exquisite. Not much bulk or definition, but I'm cut out of wood. Pectorals are moving along well. I'll be sad to give up my bench presses.
Completed last day at Avis and even got Glenda's contact info! A goddess among men! The honor!
No salad was had. Fail.
Laundry is underway of uniform items! More laundry to follow. Stay tuned.
Celebratory drink #1 is complete.
As an addendum, people seemed to really like me at Avis. It was a better work situation than KMI was, though the working conditions weren't as good. This was more of a managerial incompetence issue than a having unscrupulous managers that hung you out to dry to squeeze out another penny issue. People were very upset to see me leave; a number of people went out of their way to say goodbye. That's kind of nice. I guess I made an impact. I suppose that's all we can really ever hope for.