Sep 14, 2006 17:49
QOTD: "The Army's just a pain in the ass!"
Tomorrow is going to be a rat race. Cheryl left work early this morning with chest pains. The same pains that kept her out all last week. They say she has hardening arteries of the heart or spasming arteries or both or something. I'm sure smoking doesn't help. I'm sure having just gotten married doesn't help. Anyhow, tomorrow is the busiest day we've had in a good while. We have 10 shoots scheduled so far (four of them at 10:00) and we have two photographers. We've got like three class photos, three retirements, a graduation, a pinning, and a re-enlistment. Something else. There's also a huge formation photo that I'm to do in the afternoon. It's going to be crazy all day. At least I completed all of the orders I had due tomorrow.
Had a difficult shoot today of the 81st MSS Logistics Flight, which involved getting about 60 people into one photo and then trying to correct for the distortion of a 12mm lens when I get back. It turned out okay, and the final project is much nicer than I was expecting it to be. My new shoes have eroded the skin on the back of my feet, so I'm in a small amount of continual pain. I need a cobbler.
I dreamt last night that I was being repeatedly late for work. As in, late in the dream, I was in Hattiesburg at 0700 when I needed to be at work in Biloxi. I wasn't very concerned about it, despite knowing it was a bad thing. I was doing things in (the darker and much more interesting dream version of) Hattiesburg that related to school somehow. I don't remember the details. I think I remember Sarah Cobb being in the dream.
I don't felt like I got much work done today at all, which annoys me considerably. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow even though it's a payday. I guess tomorrow I'll be working for my money. I suppose I should figure out a way to bandage my feet. Looking forward to having days off.
The season finale of Blade: the Series was good.