Torchwood series 4 announced (official BBC release) I... am not sure what to think about this. There's a part of me that's "yay more Torchwood" for Captain Jack, cheering with pom poms (though we're going to have to wait another year, BOO); there's a part of me that's wary of what this is going to turn out to be, as the article says "...Torchwood will burst back onto the screen with a shocking and moving story with global stakes and locations that will make it feel bigger and bolder than ever." And, well, wasn't that how CoE was advertised? It was certainly true for plot holes. Also is this is going to be global in terms of locations (for Torchwood), what's going to happen to Rhys and the baby? I don't want a Gwen who's willing to give up a family who loves her in order to go traipsing around the world following Jack Harkness*. I was annoyed by her in s1 and s2 but I liked her in CoE, I really, really did, except for her asking Jack to stay for her right in front of Rhys. And I want that Gwen in s4 too (she was BADASS) but not at the cost of her family. There's also a part of me hoping bigger and better includes the CGI.
I AM EXCITED FOR THIS, but there's also a small part of me that's crying, because I know they're going to handwave Ianto's death and all of Jack's other losses. I don't want Jack to spend the entire series moping and being emo, but I would like to see some acknowledgement of CoE other than a picture of Ianto or Stephen that appears for a second. Maybe him using them as his motivation to keep fighting, but not forgetting them and jumping immediately into someone else's bed.
*There's a big difference between ALL OF TIME AND SPACE with the Doctor, and Africa or NYC with Jack Harkness. Especially as theoretically the Doctor can get you back exactly when he took you, and someplace like the Ood Sphere isn't exactly someplace the average human can go on vacation.
Because I have no willpower though, I'm going to watch the first episode. There's no doubt about that. Probably even the second, but with a guarded eye. And I'll be watching it online so I don't effect the ratings, yes, one person may not make a difference, but RTD has been a jerkass to fans. Hopefully it will be more like the crack of series 1 and 2, (I doubt it) but if they kill another child, i.e. Gwen's baby, or Rhys in order to have an excuse for Gwen to follow after Jack, or if CoE is handwaved and it becomes the ♥Gwen + Jack♥ (in love) show I wont continue. I understand that there was UST between Gwen and Jack, but I liked that they pretty much toned it down after "Something Borrowed" (well, the flirting/mooning/etc.) and there were lots of lovely Gwen and Rhys moments in CoE. But those last few moments of CoE imply that they'll go back to letting Rhys get walked over by Gwen. But I have hope that they won't and I don't think that they will.
Also Johnson needs to get a first name. Really.
I know I'm in the minority with these views (and possibly the only one once SIJ is taken out of the equation), but I don't want hate for expressing my opinion, and I am not above screening comments if I have to. Also, I want to hear your opinions, ESPECIALLY IF YOU DISAGREE AND WHY. Chances are I've missed stuff. Bottom line: Do I want Ianto back? Of course. Do I think they are going to bring him back? ::bursts into hysterical laughter:: No. ...maybe as a hallucination/Macguffin.
Judge me on this if you have to, but if you're going to defriend me over it, at least admit why.
ETA: The ~SERIOUS DRAMA~ of CoE made a good story, but I think it required changing the inherent characterizations of established characters (in Gwen and Rhys' case: for the better) so I didn't like it for Torchwood. Had it been a random miniseries that didn't torture that characters we had known and loved, I probably would have loved it. I would not mind DRAMAAAAAAA for s4, but I want some of the lightheartedness of s1 and s2 back. And RTD seems to think that death or abandonment are the only good tropes for telling and ending dramatic stories.
ETA 2: And ffs I hope Torchwood 3 gets some new (more) team members. PLEASE? And something
ontinia mentioned: I accepted CoE a lot better when I knew it was the ending. They destroyed everything that was Torchwood (in the physical sense) as we know it except Gwen. And now they want to pick up as if nothing happened? Thanks but no thanks.
ETA 3: Torchwood is not Torchwood without Gwen. Really.
Also, for the fucktard who has been spamming my flist (and other people's too) by posting to every. single. torchwood comm. in existence: jfc please LOOK at the comm before posting, as in pretty much every case someone got there before you, and "FRAK YEAH" is not an appropriate header when posting to an Ianto-centric comm. For obvious reasons. And why are you posting this to fic-only comms? Please just GTFO.