Purimgifts 2018 placeholder post

Jan 05, 2018 16:23

Anon, I swear I'll get to this before February soon, but right now I just don't have time, sorry. Feel free to check out previous letters for now; most of the stuff will apply (shipwise).
For now, the most important things: I prefer to laugh than to cry, so happy endings only. I stopped watching Once Upon a Time after s6 ended; no dead!Derek if you’re writing Grey’s fic (plz); Tad Cooper is the best Galavant character; and I prefer fic about Parker, Eliot, and Hardison to Sophie and Nate.

Things I like: Jewish related case!fic, not necessarily that "bad things are happening to the Jews" as much as "there is Jewish lore behind this problem and/or knowledge about Judaism is required to solve it" or "someone is fundamentally interpreting the bible in a way most Jews do not". Hurt with comfort, slice of life/domestic stuff, OT3 and shipping, slash and femslash, Gal Gadot (#bae), any character played by Christian Kane, crack, falling in love, wooing, royalty AUs, sailor moon/reincarnation AUs, dystopias (and "how would Jews survive in this world"), mermaids, dragons, giant Legends of Superflarrow crossovers, Felicity Smoak, Uncle Iroh, ladies kicking ass and taking names, Tad Cooper, bisexuals [Sara Lance, Callie Torres, Korra, and Asami], memes, breaking the 4th wall, CONSENT -- especially when they're really getting in the mood and one character says "stop" and they stop, fix-its, episode codas, and true love's kiss.
Ships I like: Cassandra/Jacob/Ezikiel, Flynn/Eve, Usagi/Mamoru*, Katniss/Peeta*, Finnick/Annie*, Eric/Ariel, Emma/Killian or Emma/Regina, Regina/happiness, Santi/Wolfe*, Captain Cold/Heatwave*, Barry/Iris or Barry/Jullian Albert, Kendra/Carter (hawkmates!), Meredith/Derek*, Jackson/April*, Alex/Jo, Zuko/honor, Parker/Eliot/Hardison

Things I do NOT like: bisexual erasure, eye trauma, animal abuse, death!fic, vampire AUs, holocaust AUs, bodice-ripper language (oddly enough, I do love harlequin, but unless it's a parody I don't think it can be done well in <1000 words), breaking up any of the ships above that I starred (especially Japril. You don't have to write these ships, I just request they're not paired with anyone else, you know?), when TV!Jews do the thing where they're ~too pious~ to violate their faith, especially when it's otherwise a case of pikuach nefesh/saving a life (I've included the link because I know not everyone involved in purimgifts is Jewish and/or knows this stuff) [FUCKING LOOKING AT YOU, HOUSE MD; I DON'T CARE THAT IT'S BEEN 10 YEARS], negative Jewish stereotypes

----I know this seems like a lot, but tl;dr- happy endings and Jewish stuff and romance and lulz: GOOD, permanent character death and fundamental misrepresentation of Jewish scripture: BAD

EXTRA: So I didn't put this in my fandom requests because I'm really picky about this show and I didn't want you to get stuck with matching only this fandom, but I do like Supernatural. Also, I'm only about halfway through season 12, so as long as I don't need to be caught up to understand it, I'll read it. Two exceptions: d*stiel is a NOTP of mine (I'm writing it like that so I hopefully won't pop up in any searchs for it), and if either that pairing is included, or Claire has more than a passing mention I won't read it. Otherwise go nuts; Jewish hunters, Jewish lore, lady hunters, whatever. (I'm a Sam!girl) I also freaking love when Spn goes meta

i just have a lot of ~feelings~, purimgifts

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