Core Temperature (1/1)

Feb 29, 2016 19:00

So I finally popped my fanfic cherry and wrote smut, and in the process have officially become DCColdWave trash. I love it. We need more fanfic about this pair.

Title: Core Temperature
Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Pairing: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart (aka Heat Wave/Captain Cold)
Rating: NC-17(ish)
Words: 613
Summary: There's a reason that Leonard Snart chose to wield the cold gun when offered both weapons, and it isn't because he was lying about despising heat.
(a coda to and spoilers for 01x05 minus the last 5 minutes or so)

~link to AO3 because I too lazy to do the formatting thing again~

Guys, I wrote an explicit fanfic. This is a big deal for me.

PS Happy Leap Day!

i can't believe it's not butter, what what in the butt, fic, legends of tomorrow, coldwave, criminal husbands

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