(no subject)

Jul 25, 2012 11:03

Because I'm always complaining about my mom, I thought I'd open with an example of her awesomeness this time:
We went to see Magic Mike a week-and-a-half ago (beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefcake unfunfunfunf) and had a good time together. Also, we were the only two in the theater, because we saw it in the middle of the day, so we were able to make catcalls and other inappropriate comments at the screen. Yeah, my mom can be cool like that.

Now, some of you may be wondering, "wtf iceshade, I thought you said you were taking an EMT class this summer; shouldn't you be, uhh, there and paying attention instead of blogging?"
Well, yes.
Unfortunately, I'm trapped in my house (theoretically) by a broken garage door, so I can't actually get there. I'm only theoretically trapped because I can still get in and out, but the car is still inside the garage and can't. I don't know if this is luck or not, but I had to leave a little early yesterday because I wasn't feeling well, so hopefully they just think I'm (still?) sick. IDK. Other than that, I'm enjoying myself; my ambulance tour-thing is next week, so, yeah, I'm both excited and terrified for that.

In fandom news, tumblr (and ontinia) are starting to get me into Teen Wolf. Or, to be more accurate, they are getting me into Sterek (fucking pool scene I can't even), and I discovered that the cast/crew/producers/whomever actually acknowledge and pander to their fans. I'm sorry, but after being part of Torchwood fandom circa CoE, I kinda have a weakness for that. For lulz, I actually went into this thinking Derek was the main character, and I couldn't believe they expected us to believe he was in high school... then I actually watched an episode. LOL OOPS.

call me dr. iceshade, derpderp, fucking tumblr, teen wolf, real life, i am so easy

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