Would you like some extra-hot awesomesauce with that?

Jun 23, 2012 23:57

So it turns out I lied about being online more this summer (~shocker~), but to be fair it wasn't a lie when I said it. There was a last minute cancellation or something, and earlier this week
I GOT INTO THE EMT CLASS I'VE BEEN WANTING TO TAKE SINCE FOREVER!It's really hard to find an EMT class that's in my general vicinity and doesn't A) conflict with my schedule, and B) have Saturday classes*. So instead of taking the comp&lit course I was planning on taking this summer, which was only somewhere between 2 and 3 hours every Mon. thru Thurs., I'll be taking the EMT CLASS FUCK YEAH, which is 7 hours every Mon-Thurs.

To celebrate, have some happy gifs:

On a hilarious side note, earlier today my mom was reading something and asked, "what is Fight Club?" and my dad and I responded at the exact same time, "you can't talk about it."
LOL MOM, we drive you crazy.

*for all my new friends: religious Jew here, hi :)

call me dr. iceshade, everything is beautiful + nothing hurts, blasphemy is a hobby of mine, real life

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