Would you like some extra-hot awesomesauce with that?

Jun 23, 2012 23:57

So it turns out I lied about being online more this summer (~shocker~), but to be fair it wasn't a lie when I said it. There was a last minute cancellation or something, and earlier this week
I GOT INTO THE EMT CLASS I'VE BEEN WANTING TO TAKE SINCE FOREVER!It's really hard to find an EMT class that's in my general vicinity and doesn't A) conflict ( Read more... )

call me dr. iceshade, everything is beautiful + nothing hurts, blasphemy is a hobby of mine, real life

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lucdarling June 24 2012, 12:32:15 UTC
Congratulations sweetie! That's fantastic news!
I think an EMT class would be awesome to take (my little sister did one in university) but oi, that's a lot of memorization. and then blood/guts once you're trained. but have fun!
Also, that Prince of Egypt gif is hilarious.


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