[Sims] Tecza RR Outtakes and Rambling

Jun 16, 2010 12:14

There's lots of pictures and lots of me rambling on and on about things that probably don't matter!

Where do I even begin with all of this? Well, let's see... the neighborhood in which Yellow/Red generation were played is the very same neighborhood in which Purple/Black were played. That's probably not so remarkable. However, after playing Purple/Black, I removed the neighborhood from my game, and saved it on my computer. When I decided that I wanted to go back there, I put the neighborhood back into the game. I have a feeling that this was responsible for some of the glitches that I experienced. I think data got lost or corrupted somewhere in the process.

Some of the glitches and problems I encountered:

- a lack of townies and non-playables. I do not currently have notownieregen in my game, but there shouldn't have been a need to regen any townies anyway. While Obsidian and Ebony were growing up, there were plenty of age-appropriate townies in the hood for them to interact with. I never aged any up along with birthdays (I actually very rarely get that option in my game, in spite of high relationship scores). The only two who were aged were Obsidian's girlfriend Kelly, and Bryan the paperboy, both for plot reasons.  But that was it, and by the time Ruby and Crimson came along, the 'hood had become devoid of most regular townies. Of almost any age. There were a few adults, and a massive amount of elders. But no teens or children.

I even looked at the list of residents in SimPE and found a full compliment of townies that should have been wandering around. But they weren't showing up in the game itself. And it wasn't just a matter of me never seeing them. They weren't there. I know this thanks to another problem I encountered.

- the gypsy fortuneteller would not stay on the lot. I would call her and she would show up on the edge of the lot, and then teleport away in a blue flash immediately. Too fast for me to interact with her in any way. I tried this repeatedly when it came time to find Butter a genetic donor, and again later when the twins were teens. No dice, I could not get that darn gypsy to stay.

So, I resorted to using TwoJeff's gypsy crystal ball. When you use it, you are supposed to get a list of eligible sims for dates in the neighborhood, and there are options to filter for preferences and age and such. When I tried it for Butter, no female sims were available for him! None at all. Fiddling with the filters resulted in a grand total of three choices, two service NPCs and a Uni student - Fleur Elise. This in a supposedly full neighborhood with 4 sub-hoods (an NL downtown, a Uni and 2 vacation destinatios). Obviously something wasn't right.

I tried again with the twins because they had absolutely no friends and never brought anyone home from school. I used the crystal ball again to find that - aside from a few teens in vacation hoods, there were apparently no teengers any where else. I actually resorted to randomly creating some teen townies with the Townie Generator, just so that the twins could get some sort of social interaction outside the family.

- people that Butter met online could not be invited to the house.  He would call to invite them over, they would accept, and then they would never show up.  This is why I didn't just hook him up with one of the women he met online.  The only exception to this was when Butter and Jihoon got married.  Butter invited a couple people from his online friends, and they showed up without incident.

- rampant alien and zombie skintones. Admittedly, this problem wasn't with the 'hood itself, but with that mod I had in the game. As I said, I didn't mind it when a non-playables very occasionally spawned as an alien or zombie. It makes for background diversity. But I slowly started noticing that almost every community lot cashier was an alien or zombie. Service NPCs frequently were as well. Then, when I had to resort to spawning my own townies, I discovered that about 4 out of every 5 I spawned was being created with an alien or zombie skin. And that ratio was far too high for me and the mythos in my personal game.

Most of the time it wasn't too much of a problem just to keep alien or zombie sims out of pictures that I needed to take. But then, when I needed to hire a nanny for the twins, this is what I got:

Knowing there was a possibility that the nanny might show up in pictures, I went into SimPE to attempt using the surgery option to change her skintone. When I went back into the game, this is what I found:

But wait! It gets even more disturbing!

"Arrrrgh! Hello little boy!"

"Do you want a cookie?!"

"Cookie? Lady, I'm gonna need therapy!"

I tired again and achieved some success, but the nanny continued to give me a new surprise every day. Sometimes she showed up a young woman's face on an elderly body:

Sometimes she showed up an different person entirely:

And sometimes she just couldn't get herself together enough to "put her face on", as my grandmother used to say:

Plus, she simply wouldn't take "No," "You're fired!" or "Restraining order!" for an answer. In spite of dismissing her services, both to her face and on the phone, nearly every day, she continued to show up whenever Butter was scheduled to leave for work, even after all of the children in the house had aged to teens. We absolutely could not get rid of her.

Even mild-mannered Jihoon lost his temper with her eventually.

But in regards to the skintone issue, the straw that finally broke my back was when this happened:

Garnet had her teen transition and aged into the zombie skintone that had been lurking in her game generated genetics. I was furious and about ready to throw the game out the window at that point, because this, along with all the other glitches I'd been fighting with, was just too much. Fixing this problem required two trips into SimPE, because it didn't take the first time, for whatever reason:

- graphical glitches. I had more of these than I could even be bothered to keep track of. Fences, especially, seemed to like suddenly sprouting weird spikes and angles, and often blinked on and off. And one glitch proved to be problematic for taking pictures:

Ebony's hair randomly decided to grow a long spike, after having been fine for most of the time she was wearing that hair. I didn't want to change her style, for various reasons, so I went looking for that mesh to re-download, thinking it had probably gotten corrupted somehow. But even after redownloading it and replacing my old mesh file, it was still doing this. I don't know why, so I did my best to just try and make sure it wasn't in any pictures.

And what the heck is going on with this ghost's hair? I have no idea and the kids look like they're mystified too:

I also had tons of blank speech balloons and a few blank chance cards. Random jump bug-like resets. A complete inability to raise any relationship score with Bigfoot (after dancing, fishing and conversing with him, Jihoon had reached friendship level with him, but a quick peek at Bigfoot's info revealed that he supposedly had never met Jihoon. Or anyone else, ever). Absolutely zero pet walkbys and no pets available in the adoption pool. Townies leaving communities lots en mass at the top of every sim-hour. All in all, it was quite a mess and it occasionally got very frustrating trying to play.

My conclusion: This neighborhood needs to be permenantly retired ASAP, which I will do. When I'm done with it. Yes, I do intend to play in this hood for just a bit more, to expand Ebony's story, and I'm well aware that I have no cause to complain if I continue to willingly subject myself to the source of frustration. But, once I am finished with the 'hood, it will be removed from the game. And, for that matter, I'm planning on a major full game overhaul. I'm going to get rid of a lot of old CC that I know is still lurking around, especially hairs. I'm going to completely rebuild Strangetown from the bedrock up, get rid of outdated genetics that no longer match with the defaults I currently have. And I'm going to do a complete uninstall-reinstall. Because somewhere, something isn't right and I want to be rid of it. Removing the Ascalon 'hood might be enough, but I want to start fresh anyway.


So! enough of that! Let's talk about some of the more interesting moments that popped up in my game!

A little history - in preparing for this, I naturally had to make some changes to Ebony's home, in addition to redecorating. Obsidian, who was actually still living there, was moved to the Sim Bin, but Porfiro and Shelby were allowed to age gracefully and live out their natural lives, as was the caretaker they moved in to see after Ebony, and the caretaker's eventual family. Pictures were taken during this time, because I do intend to expand on Ebony's story, and I wanted pictures of those "early days" of her affliction. Porfiro, Shelby, the caretaker and her husband all died naturally on the lot and were interred in the cemetery. The rest of the tombstones were "caretakers" that I spawned for the single purpose of killing off, so that there would be the correct amount of grave markers in the cemetary to correspond with how many generations had passed.

(Speaking of generations - I had to make a list of the entire Tecza Family line, thusfar, just to keep track of how everyone was related to everyone else. Just as a matter of interest, Butter is Jim and Annette Tremblor's great great great great great grandson. Looking back, I think that Ebony, at one point in the story, might have added one too many greats to her kinship with Jim and Annette... ^^;; She was their great granddaughter)

To those who might worry about such things, Porfiro and Shelby did eventually reconcile, at least in the game.

I could not, unfortunately, justify either of them dying in platinum, considering the angst of their lives. For subsequent caretakers, I randomized who died platinum and who didn't, just to give the cemetery some variety.

There were plenty of ghosts on the lot, thanks to all those murdered caretakers. ^^ Usually three a night, though I'm almost sure that it was four at least one night. All roamed freely, except for Porfiro, who confined himself strictly to the upper floor and attic of the house. I'll admit right now that I used TwoJeff's ghost controller to prevent scares. I wanted the ghosts, but I didn't want all the missed sleep and piddling that comes from having ghosts around.

Shelby was a funky ghost, apparently channeling a desceased blind jazz musician.

Porfiro was my favorite ghost. I loved him when he was alive and he was so calm and gentle when dead. Yes, I know he probably would have scared just as much as any other ghost if I'd allowed him to, but the other ghosts jumped into the TV and radio, floated lamps and filled the bathtub. Porfiro just hung around.

And since he mostly hung around his old bed, it seemed as if he were watching over his daughter. Sweet dear Porfiro.


And now Butter! Just look at these wonderful features I was given to work with! Look at that nose ridge! That's worthy of a Star Trek alien, that is!

Butter pretty much refused any attempts to get him interested in women, which only compounded my problems with finding him a mother for his children. I dunno, maybe he sensed that the game had axed all the eligible women and figured he'd just stick with what was more readily available.

But even when women were present, and I instructed him to scope a room, he'd pick a man to swoon over every time, no matter how far from his TO+s they were.

Then I happened to get one of those reputation opportunites while Butter was at a community lot. "Oh Butter, you're so great! I know someone who'd love you, wanna get set up on a blind date right now?" I thought, sure why not? Maybe the game would finally drag a female out of nowhere for me.

Yeah, no such luck.

I don't remember this guy's name, but look at that nose! And Butter adored him. If I hadn't already had my heart set on Jihoon, I would have let Butter keep him.

Butter wasn't the only one who's preferences were apparently influenced by the lack of free roaming eligible females.


Naked guy gets out of the hottub, and Saffron immediately decided that she was going to "network" with him.

Lucy Prout's OTH was Cuisine, and she was constantly rolling wants to win a cooking contest. I'd actually never tried doing one of those before, so I sent her to the Cuisine hobby lot where she could give it a whirl. It was interesting. I especially enjoyed all the expressions of nervous tension on the faces of the contestants. Lucy ended up winning. Of course she did! Just look at those other entries. Jello competing against Lucy's filet mignon? Geesh, no contest.

Fleur Elise was moved into the home lot long enough for her to freak out over dropping out of college, and then hop in the sack with Butter. As soon as I heard the lullabye, she was booted out the door and into her own unfurnished house in Arbor Bay (which, naturally, also served as Sim City). Upon checking her pregnancy I was thrilled -

Natural frickin' twins! Which was a HUGE relief, because I didn't know how I was going to convince Butter to have another affair to get a second heir.

Fleur Elise gave birth on her front lawn, and the blessed event was witnessed by none other than Jihoon as he randomly walked by!

And speaking of random, one of the problems I had on communities lots was that Butter's ex, Saffron, was constantly showing up. At the very least, it's gotta be kind of awkward to find your ex playing with your kids in a park, if not a valid excuse to call the police...

And when Jihoon took the kids to the Science hobby lot, I spotted vampire Obsidian Tecza making a run for it to avoid being killed by the cruel sun.

This was actually a cause for some concern, because Obsidian was a Sim bin escapee. He shouldn't have been showing up on community lots at all. I know that sims do sometimes escape, though.


There's nothing sadder than watching a shambling zombie trying to escape from a horde of bees....

Random fun vacation picture!

Butter: "You mean to tell me, whoo hoo with a female results in offspring?"
Fleur: *hate*

I have no idea why Crimson was so unhappy about that tree. It wasn't in his way. It technically wasn't even on the same floor level as he was. Maybe he just didn't like it.

I was highly amused by this wall of text from the Weather Channel man:

Butter really was never very comofortable with Ebony being a Witch. He was constantly rolling wants for her to get cured, while on the other hand, Knowledge sim Jihoon was rolling fears that she would. I guess Jihoon felt he knew what was best for her.

The first time Ebony summoned Sid, he landed on the floor and immediately went racing off toward the bathroom. Heh! I guess there are no bathrooms in the astral planes. I giggled over the green streak he made as he ran:

Sid (who I later noticed in SimPE is listed as a female, go figure) and Blaze did actually get along very well. Sid was often doing that sim-cat "Pay attention to me!" jump to try and entice Blaze to play. Of course, anything a transperent cat with visible skull and eyeballs does looks creepy.

This was a want I'd never seen before, not even Porfiro ever rolled it:

She came up with another one I'd never seen later:

I didn't see her actually achieve it, but I noticed in her memories later that she had, when she was apparently bragging about it to Garnet.

Here is a want I've seen plenty of time before, however. Sorry Butter, it just isn't going to happen, buddy.

Crimson was a strange kid. Apparently, he was unable to sleep if the shrubs needed trimming.

He also got trapped in a dining chair for quite awhile, thanks to Blaze, and was not at all happy about it. Blaze was just trying to greet him in traditional canine style!

Butter: "Look at me son! I'm home from work! Aren't I great?"
Crimson: "Ew, Dad! Go away!"

Whoops! Bad dog! Hee hee...

Maroon and Garnet star in "Riverdance Hoedown!"

Crimson: "Wow, that girl is really cute!"
Layla: "Oh no, did he see me?"

Ruby really liked Mika, and I couldn't really figure out why, until I saw him autonomously doing this and remembered that one of her TO+s is "Good at cleaning"

Blaze: "That's right, human, you clean up my stink and hair!"

Butter really was writing a novel in the game, and here are his plots: It's a story about a young man who was miserable living in the city, he moved to the country and discovered nature, found out about magic, had a bunch of children, and everything in his life was peace and harmony forever after. The End.

I could have saved myself a lot of writing, if I'd just posted that instead of four posts worth of rambling narrative. ;)


Ebony: "Hhmmph.  Do they really have to do that, right here?"


For those interested in numbers:  The total number of pictures I took while playing Yellow/Red was 756.  I edited that down to 386 pictures split between the four posts.  Conclusion:  I take way too many pictures.  ^^;;;  And I really just need to @#$%ing RELAX.

sims - round robin legacy

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