(no subject)

Jan 05, 2005 09:32

Ok Well I guess I am going to update. Christmas is over and here we are starting a whole new year. Do I have any resolutions? Ha no, I know I won't stay true. Let's talk aboutt he past for a second. Christmas went well. I saw alot of my family. The week off of school I did nothing, which is in poor taste. New Years I attended my first ever pickle drop in my new hometown..Dillsburg. It was not as good as I thought it would be but New Years never really meant anything to me so that could have been the problem. After the pickle drop, Barry and I went back to Katy's house and played poker with her and Micah. There wasn't any really good games going but there were a few good moments where Katy kicked Micah's ass and Micah thought he was the bomb! lol. It was funny.

So yea, the new year is here and there is nothing different going on. Our externships are coming up in 2 weeks! WOW! Soo soon. I am excited but still kinda nervous. I hope I can be a valuable person to them in the monthes I am there. I have to say congrats to those who also got some great externships and are proud to be there.. Katy, who won over the less fortunate to be at the Whitaker Center and Shane, who will probably be the best designer at the humane society. Those are the only two I would really wish well. Their artwork is awesome and they are definitely worth having.. at any site. So Good Luck guys eventhough you won't need it!

As for life, Things are fine. I mean, school is going by quickly and for the next 2 weeks, I am going to be going crazy completing an Amenities Basket, a 10 page website, and a Demo CD. Sounds fun? No not really eventhough I am actually doing well with web class. As for those in my class.. Most are still annoying and being the childish, two-faced people they are. I really don't care. They aren't going to be in my future. Actually, Katy brought up an interesting subject about who we would select to live if we had the choice of keeping them alive or dead. As for the students in my class, I'd have to say there are only like 3 people who I have related to and who have respected me enough to be on my list. If you are reading this and you don't think you have respect or anything, you are probably not on the list! Get over it.

Ok well I am going to wrap up for now. Have a nice day Everyone!
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