Long awaited post...

Jun 23, 2008 13:54

Hi guys. I guess yours truly haven't had any inspiration to blog lately due to matters known only to me. So I guess I shall start blogging actively once again.

The past 2 months have been rather interesting. Am getting the hang of my new job, meeting lots of high profile people like CEO's, Consulate-Generals, Trade Commissioners and so on. They can be intimidating at first but thankfully my past experience in dealing with these people has paid off.

Though of course, one has to be careful with his choice of words when talking to these biggies. On my self-renewal front, I guess I have made some headway with regards to my physical attributes, although undoing those years of fatty tissue does take a while if I want the abs to show.

Good to say that I am now at 75kgs. How I did it? Well, no secret actually, just did what I did back then when I was at my peak. Its back to the meat grinder daily. I must say thank you to someone who is still special to me for giving me that extra nudge to do it and to inspire me. No one new, I am referring to the EX.

Been contemplating lately on whether to cross seas and move away, but it does require a big commitment which I am not sure if it is one that I want to undertake. But given the situation on the local front, with regards to politics, inflation and monetary aspects, I have been giving it some serious thought. Hong Kong sounds good...but I don't know. Options remain open at the moment.

Before I go here is a latest picture of yours truly...

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