(no subject)

Oct 01, 2007 22:51

K, you opened this, so chances are you actually care...
or are really bored...

I am SO sick and tired of people bitching and moaning about their lives. "I have it so hard" or "noone will love me". Seriously?
Grow the FUCK up. EVERYONE gets fucked over, and i do mean everyone. Your case isnt special, but rather the norm for our current generation. If people actually care about changing themselves so they arent a failure rather then just complaining of how scared they are about becoming a failure, then i have a piece of advice id be glad to share with you.

Grow A Spine

Yeah, simple as that, if your tired of a guy treating you like shit, then dump him/kick him/block him/whatever the hell you need to do.
If you dont like how friends are ditching you or talking behind your back, call them out on it. Don't complain to your friend, chances are they started the backstabbing.

Point is, dont be a push over, take what you want, your true friends will follow you, while those who arent will be left to the wayside.

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