Jul 21, 2015 18:56
iver started scooching a few days ago, without much warning except knowing he was getting tired of sitting still while i leisurely sipped coffee and coloured beside him. now he's climbing everything and even fell off the bed yesterday morning. :(
my ct scan came back and i have grade 2 spondylolisthesis. meaning my lower spine is half off it's spine track (in super layman's terms haha), scary. i'm so thankful i discovered osteopathy when i did and it's what got me back to walking/driving/sitting normally and what i'll probably be doing for my preferred back therapy for the rest of my life.
my osteopath actually highly recommended pilates for me which i'm super happy about because i forgot all about pilates and how much i loved doing it.
i'm just back from a super sweet acupuncture session in which i fell asleep and left with pillow marks on my face. best.
my hair is gloriously teal and long enough to wear in a ponytail without looking like i'm 5 and i started parting my hair in the middle, changing my part for the first time in a good 10 years. i should've changed my part five years ago.
ok i'm sure there's way more but my brain has stopped evaluating my life and has now moved on to wanting me to revel in the fact that both boys are napping right now and i could be doing other amazing things rather than hanging out online, so i'm about to go eat watermelon and play word with friends against strangers in a cool lavender bath.