Magic Super Powers?

Apr 10, 2011 11:29

So Braden's been sick for almost an entire month. He almost had health insurance a few weeks back, but the paperwork got botched, and then he got his acceptance letter to Columbia so we decided not to pursue alternate health insurance because he'll be insured through Columbia, and we're both regretting it now. He's been coughing so much, so hard, it's just...rough. I haven't gotten sick from him this time, which is rare, but nice in that I don't have the time to be sick right now.

Qualifiers are over, and now Leilah wants some progress to be taking place, which means my ass has to be in gear. Also, the project for the HCI class is coming to a close, and I still have to keep up with the Automata class and get a solid B in there. Which, damn, is probably going to be a close call, honestly. XD I haven't done a fantastic job with my homework at all, and frankly, just, am not rocking it hardcore right now, even though I need to be.

I want to be social today, but no one has responded to my open facebook invite to icecream or frozen yogurt. So maybe I'll just see if I can get my bike into a ride-able condition and just go biking. Or maybe drop in on a bike shop and replace my bike. I'unno. I definitely am going to get outside some today. It's in the 70's!
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