(no subject)

Jan 25, 2010 16:43

EDIT: So I broke down and called him. He apparently didn't call me because he thought I was mad for a stupid reason. At the time I just bitched and told him my side, but now that I'm starting to go over the whole conversation I'm realizing he was being amazingly selfish even when he was apologizing. His argument was that he had a great time and he knew I would have had a great time too and he thought I should have come. HOW IS THAT AN ARGUMENT? Basically he was being selfish and thought that what he wanted would/should be what I wanted and that he'd change my mind by going? WTF? I'm reconsidering this second chance thing.

So, is it considered vindictive to purposefully not call someone who knows you're mad at them in an attempt to see if they give a damn about you?

Ugh. Life shouldn't have to be so complicated. I'm having some trouble with the boyfriend, which some of you may have heard me bitch about previously. He's just...so in considerate of me. Sometimes I think it's pet peeves, like he never offers for us to go on little dates with just us, or he doesn't offer to buy me another drink when I've been empty for 20 minutes, or instead of asking me if I want to go to the bar down the street before he walks over, he waits until he gets there which means if I want to go I have to drive (which almost makes me question if he really wants me to be there). And you know, other stuff, like LEAVING ME ON A STREET CORNER IN THE MIDDLE OF DOWNTOWN NEW ORLEANS AT NIGHT MAKING ME WALK OVER 20 BLOCKS BAREFOOT IN THE RAIN TO GET HOME because he was drunk and ran off. (Thank god one of our other friends came back for me. And no, that is not an exaggeration. In fact, that's a simplification of how bad it was.) And then he LAUGHED IT OFF? And made me feel guilty for being mad! UGH.

That was last weekend, this weekend after watching the glorious victory of the New Orleans Saints, who are going to the Super Bowl for the first time in franchise history, a few of our friends who were with us wanted to go to the French Quarter, which was crazier than Mardi Gras and we had class in the morning. I didn't want to go, but he did, so he was like "I'm going with them, see ya later!" and left me there at the sports bar with another couple who also didn't want to go.

Now, on some level I wonder if I'm being a little high maintenance when I say I would expect him to make a simple sacrifice and not go off to do something when I don't want to go. On the other hand, if he's supposed to be my boyfriend and he really cared about me, why the hell would he do that? I mean, yeah, he wanted to go have a good time, but shouldn't my wishes be more important than that? It's not like I expect him to do back flips or not go on a trip he's been planning for months or anything.

I'm still waiting for him to call or apologize or something. He knows I'm mad because he sent me a text at 2:30am and I told him I was angry. So if he cares, he'll call, right? I don't think I should have to call if I'm the one who's pissed.



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