
Apr 07, 2006 11:11

Ohthankgod. They found my car.
The police called me around 9:30 last night and told me they'd found the car and had it towed. They scared the hell out of me, actually -- the report said that it "didn't appear to be in driveable condition," but the person who called me didn't have any more details than that. And neither did the guy at the towing yard they'd taken it to, when I called them. Oookay.
So I call retcon, whom I'd been planning on seeing later that night anyway, and he comes to get me, and I spend the car ride down to the towing yard vacillating between unbridled joy and relief at having my car back, and blind hyperventilating panic at what condition it would be in when I got there.
Turns out it was nothing too major. The strip around my driver's side window was gone, of course, from when they jimmied into it, and the ignition had been ripped out of the steering column. retcon was able to show me how to start the car with needle-nosed pliers. I think maybe he used to be a car thief. I mean, fuck, who knows.
Everything was still in the car! Yes, even my laptop!
We went out and bought The Club to lock the steering wheel with to try to keep this from happening again. *knocks wood*
God, I am so relieved, I can't even begin to tell you. Man.


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