Blah, Blah

Feb 12, 2009 06:43

I am now almost five month into my relationship, that's longer than I've been with any other guy. The amount of stress I've put this guy through and he's put up with is amazing. If I were him I would have given up months ago. So I am both amazed and happy that he's put up with me. He's a really great guy that does a lot of what I want: he takes me skating (roller) to mystic aquarium, dinner (even when we have our one-sided fights) he's even willing to go to Anime Boston with me and he's not even into Anime, knows about it, but not really his thing. He's in love with me and even before he started saying: I love you, you could just tell.

I can't tell him I love him, so many disappointments down the road that I feel like I'm all loved out, but I love being with him, I'm over his apartment more than I'm at home with my family even though I'm not too fond of his roommates (we've had bigger fights than he and I) Everyone thinks I secretly love him, but I don't really know what love is because it was always either one-sided or no one ever gave me the chance to really fall in love before they crushed my hopes.


He's excited to go to Anime Boston, it'll be his first convention ever... (convention virgin, lol) I'm happy he's excited. He won't dress up, but he can carry my stuff, lol. I'll run into Chris from work, maybe, but unfortunately I may also run into my ex- which is what will make it great about Ryan coming along, I won't have those feelings of hurt, I can brush him off because I'm with a guy who cares about me, who makes me smile and weak, (especially since I made him get that fedora, so hot, lol) and wants nothing but to see me happy.

I've decided to go as Gunner Yuna and this time I'll have props, yay!

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