Sick Cycle Carousel

Dec 21, 2008 22:41

Sick Cycle Carousel was concieved back in January 2007 on the 27th day. Which is to say, that soon, it will soon be a year old. I would like to celebrate the story on its success seeing as today I have recieved another review for the story, making it its 327 review. Which is nothing compared to Marionette seeing as it isn't as old and still recieves its own reviews to this date as well, but was updated during '08 where as Sick Cycle Carousel ended three months after its first chapter.

Being an impulse story has left me quite astonished as well as irrated to see that it still recieves its daily dose of readers and ocassional reviwers. Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased and thankful that people read and enjoy my stories, (most of them anyhow, seeing as I manage to piss off a few people every now and then) and especially to those thougtful and kind enough to leave a review stating what my story has done for them or how much they've enjoyed reading it.

Its not an understatement to assume, however, that if the fandom I wrote for was not the single most popular one on the site I'm a member of, my works wouldn't be so appreciated. Which is sad to say because among other things I've noticed with writing Sick Cycle Carousel if I wasn't writing for Naruto, I would be less popular and knowledgable for my works.

Sick Cycle Carousel, I'm ashamed to admit is meaningless smut with no real back story except to mindlessly, for better lack of the word, fuck behind their significant other's back. Excuse my "French". So its no wonder, with the way I feel for the story that I can't understand the appeal of it, to this day, except to say that Sex sells. However, as pitiful as that sounds, sex as I've come to find out is an amazing filler. In some stories it does have its importance, like with Threads Of Desire, but with later chapters in Marionette and in pretty much all of Sick Cycle Carousel, it just filled up time and space.

The only thing tht makes me feel better about using that option is that a reviewer left a comment about my more intimate scenes, stating that I'm on a border between being detailed without being too graphic, and as many reviewers have brought to my attention, I don't make them sick or overly disgusted, because I censor myself just enough when I write a M rated fanfiction.

Well, all I really wanted was to once again vent myself of how disappointed and diguisted I am with ever being the mother of such a smutty fic that continues to recieve such praise, nearly a year later after its conclusion. Well, here's to an almost year.
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