MSI old school songs for Lulu 8D

Nov 05, 2007 07:27

AYYY BB!! So last night after I got home I set up my new web-cam, found Brandi and was talking to her until the weee hours of the night! But as I was doing that I was uploading some music for Lulu~ of all the old school MSI that I had on my computer. But my re-smarted email told me that it did not send to her e-mail so here I am going to post the MEGAUPLOAD link for her....and I guess who ever wants the music as well 8D. Like I say it is not illegal if someone post it on the internet for you to find!! So have fun and i hope you likes it all Luluzz!


(Oh and soon I will be changing Filthy, Rich & Catflap, later on this week, first I must change it into AVI format yet it is still VOB files ;3;.....converttttinggggggggggggggg -sob-)
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