Title: Mike Chang
Character(s)/Pairing: Mike, Puck, Matt, mentioned Mike/Tina
Rating: PG
Word Count: 435
Status: Complete
Notes/Warnings: A series of standalone one-shots following
Here In The Dark (Our Two Hearts Are One).
Summary: It wasn't only Puck's life that changed after the accident. Everyone had their own reactions and their lives were impacted too. This is Mike Chang's story.
The Blind!Puck verse:
Here In The Dark (Our Two Hearts Are One) II Deborah Puckerman
No one else thought to call Matt and tell him about the accident.
Mike didn’t think much of it. Matt had always been a quiet guy, had barely spoken to anyone when he’d been at McKinley. They’d been friends, best friends, for years. Long enough that, half the time, they communicated through looks rather than words.
He didn’t know how to say the words, let alone form them into some kind of glance.
There’s been an accident.
Puck got hurt.
He’s blind, man.
He didn’t have a look for that.
Times like this, Mike wished Matt’s dad didn’t get transferred to Cleveland. Wished that his best friend had been there that day so that he’d know already. Matt and Puck had never been close, but they’d been cool. Cool enough to have a threesome with April Rhodes in the locker room shower.
Puck didn’t know Mike knew about that.
Mike didn’t ever plan on telling him.
Matt and he had been Switzerland in the Babygate drama. They’d been the two silent ones in the middle of the room, non-judging wall that separated Puck from the rest of the club for the first couple weeks when Quinn was slowly let back into the group. Puck stayed the bad guy for a while.
Tina held his hand in the waiting room of the hospital, stuttering for real this time as she asked if he thought Puck would be okay.
Even before the doctors came out, he hadn’t thought so.
Because if anything was going to keep Puck down, it was bad.
Really fucking bad.
When the day came that the doctors said Puck’s sight was gone for good, he left the hospital. Kissed Tina once and said he’d call her before he got in his car and drove.
He kept looking at the rearview mirror every few seconds, trying to make that look form, but it never did.
He still hadn’t figured it out by the time he pulled into Matt’s driveway three hours later.
The only thing in his eyes when Matt opened the door was a hint of tears, because this wasn’t supposed to happen to any of his friends. He was never supposed to play messenger to something like this.
It was like Matt’s eyes frowned as the dark-skinned teen put a hand on Mike’s shoulder.
Dude, what’s wrong?
Still no look. He tried. He really did. Tried to make the Puck’s blind look, but his eyes started to burn and he had to shut them for a second until he could compose himself.
I need to talk to you.
The End