Nov 06, 2009 19:48
I'm very nerves. I audition for a monologue about three weeks ago and for some reason I got a part. I haven't act in a play since the Marie the elves play in middle school. I know I have stage fright and yet I still audition. A lot of great things have come from that audition. Like I met a few girls i have become very close with the past few weeks. They invited me to join there sorority.
I also rushed in September, and lost my job I had for a year. I been depressed about both things and that's part of the reason why I audition. I need something new in my life. I love Phauxe. I have great friends. In fact after Jenny not speaking to me for a whole year I just really wanted to meet new people. I wanted to have the closeness I had at White Hall. I have found it with Gamma Rho Lambda.
My part in the monologue is truly fucked up. My character is this lonely woman that has serious issues that start stocking this serial killer. She falls madly in love with him and marry him. CRAZY!
Other then that my life has been busy. I'm really involved with the campus and DAAC. I made a lot of wonderful friends this year. I do miss the old white hall gang but it's nice to know I have a new friends close by. "My cup run over" really it did. That's me right now. I couldn't do it without the support of my mate and friends.
Even with all the pain I'm still really happy right now.
if your interested in checking it out it's going to be in Whitewater:
Monday, November 9, 2009, Summers Auditorium, at 8:00pm until 10:30pm
Tuesday, November 10, 2009,McGraw Auditorium, at 8:00pm until 10:30pm