My cousin

Dec 11, 2005 18:43

Well, today wasn't so bad. I had to do some homework, which is a pain, but I get through it. The thing that concerned me the most was my cousin. My parents tell me that he has had a very unusual but maybe serious condition. They told me that his face started to get red and he felt desperate. They the redness turned into blotches or something along the lines. Then they started to look like 3rd degree burns. When they took him to the clinic, they didn't know what was wrong with him so they sent him to the hospital. The doctor did test and such. They prescribed pills you would use on cancer patients and that seemed to do the trick. Now my aunt and uncle are scared because they don't want their kid to have cancer. I feel sorry for him too. I don't want him to have cancer, I mean he's around 9-11 years old.

Then, to top it off, my other cousin has the flu. Can they really make it to Las Vegas from California alright? They said that they would be coming for the holidays. I just hope it's true.
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