
Dec 09, 2005 18:00

I finally signed up for this after my friend, Katie, kept telling me it was fun.

School has been keeping me so busy these days. I bet it because I get winter break the week after next week, December 16,2005. I mean what kind of teachers give homework on the weekends? Apparently all of mine because I have homework to do for each and every class this weekend. The teachers are all trying to kill us. And I've had tests these last two days from every teacher. This sucks I tell you. Today was a pretty normal day with some exceptions. In the morning, My friend, Chelsea and I were talking because we don't have any classes together. Then, this boy, named Fernando walks over and tell me my geography class is slow, (because we are starting Mexico and they already finished Latin American). I tell him to go jump into a crater so that his flesh and internal organs can burn up. Then, we will throw a big party celebrating his death. Me calls me a witch and I could care less. Fernando then insults my friend Chelsea and I kick until he runs away(aiming at the place where it hurts the most). The bell soon rings and we go to our separate classes waving goodbye. The rest of the morning is so boring, I'm not even going to put any information in fear you will all get very bored and not read the rest.

In Science, we got to eat popcorn and watch a movie the whole class period because we were good little angels when the sub was here for a week. Our teacher went to her honeymoon for a week in Jamaica. When the movie was over, Our table was the only one who hadn't finished all of our popcorn. That's because this one guy, Martin, didn't even eat any, so it was just us three. When the movie was over, me and another boy at our table tried to eat all the popcorn, because we didn't want to throw it away. We ate most of it, but we didn't get to finish so we threw the rest away.

Now to Lunch....
I find out at lunch that a friend of mine moved to British Columbia just today. Everything was fine yesterday and I heard today, from another friend of mine, that she moved to Canada just today and she didn't even say goodbye. I guess she didn't want us to stop her or something. I was sad the rest of the day...I mean what kind of friend moves to Canada and doesn't even tell you about it?

The rest of the day moved pretty good. I don't think, and I'm not telling you the rest of the day because its boring. Well that's it...
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