Hey, guys, I know everyone notices odd things going on every once in a while, or you notice something about something that doesn't really seem exactly accidental.
It got me to thinking and I decided to do some research about the seeming "coincidences" we encounter in everyday life.
So I measured some pictures of crop circles that I found in some magazines. I had to correct for the viewing angle, of course. But the astonishing result was that for EVERY crop circle the ratio of the circumference to the diameter was exactly Pi! This CAN'T be a coincidence!
This got my interest, so I investigated some actual crop circles. I'm talkin' boots on the ground here, guys, with actual hi-tech measuring devices. The results were exactly the same. Pi, all around, no matter how I sliced it.
So then I checked the measurements of the pyramids. It turns out that the ratio of the diagonal of the base to the length of each side is really close to 1.414 for EVERY pyramid. This CAN'T be a coincidence! And besides, 1.414 is the square root of two! THIS can't be a coincidence!
Not only that, but the sum of the number of sides in each pair of parallel sides added together is equal to the number of total sides. This CAN'T be a coincidence. Not only that, but the mathematical equation that describes this relationship is 2+2=4. This CAN'T be a coincidence!
Not only that, the number of FACES of the pyramid is exactly equal to the number of SIDES of the BASE of the pyramid. This CAN'T be a coincidence!
It seems like everywhere you look, there is some kind of coincidence. This CAN'T be a coincidence!
And this next one is really weird. You won't EVEN believe this! Back around 1898 astronomers discovered canals on mars. Now they're been STOLEN! They were probably stolen by the Venetians.
I'm NOT making this up. Where is Art Bell when you need him. That guy retired too early. Hey wait, he knows what is going on, but nooooow they claim that he's retired. This CAN'T be a coincidence1
Not only that, a hexagon has six sides. Hex is the ancient Greek word for six! This CAN'T be a coincidence!
This is driving me nuts, here guys. I just don't know what to do.
So I got a new hat, just in case. Like it?