Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A penguin's life fer me!
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, matey. Today bees yer talk like a pirate day.
A notion come into me 'ead the other day ter circumci . . ., er, circumscribe, er circum-something or other the globe.
Aye, an' I figgers that bein' a penguin kinda pirate, I should do it the hard way. SOUTH TO NORTH, an' back again.
So, I've bought mesel' the finest ship in these 'ere waters. It be called the Brawny, an' so it is, too. Then I hired some reliable mates (an' a few lubbers, jest fer fun), an' laid on all the supplies we'll need.
I figger ter get underway after most o' the ice melts next summer, say 'round about next February. Me an' me hearties should be able to get up north an' shoot the northwest passage during the northern summer around late July or so.
It'll be like ter that surfin' movie, only me craft be a bit bigger, an such. An' 'twould be an endless summer, too, but fer that pesky spring an' fall.
Aye, then through the Bearin' Strait, an' Tahiti in just a few weeks. After that we figger ter make it home to the Antarctic in few years er so.
An' I want all me mates to listen up closely ter this: I sleep with both eyes open an' Pitcairn Island is already taken, so suck it up yer scurvy dogs, we'll not be havin' a mutiny on the Brawny on MY watch.