Jun 04, 2009 10:27
The Pens won Tuesday night to cut Detroit's lead to 2-1 in the series. They finally got some bounces and calls their way. The Pens were able to captialize on two of their power plays including Gonchar's winning goal. I'm encouraged by the win, but the battle has only just begun.
Tonight is Game 4. Hopefully I'll be able to catch most of it after we arrive in Brantford. The bad news for the Pens is that Kris Draper and possibly Pavel Datsyuk will be back in the lineup. Both of these players are important cogs in the Red Wing machine. Hopefully since neither of them have played in awhile they won't be at the top of their game. This game, like last year's game 4 is hugely important for both teams. Hopefully we get a good result.