I'm not normally the kind of girl who makes resolutions. Mostly because I suck at keeping them. There's no reason on God's green earth to make a decision to do something just for the sake of doing it. I've never really made one and I never had any intention whatsoever of making any. Until recently.
See, life's been pretty interesting around here lately. Not just the usual death and fucking angst that happens on every day ending in y. I've had my own little bit of crazy shit to happen.
So, I've got some resolutions. Two, actually. Here they are.
Number one. No more dive bars or bars in general. I thought about giving up alcohol entirely, but that's just a dumb idea and I know will never actually happen. Bars? Whiskey shots? Drinking games? I can do that.
The second is a little more complicated. Partly has to do with number one, but then again not. Number two is going to be a group effort on the part of two others.
Number two. I want to avoid a cetain face. Lucky for me one face pretty much covers two different people. From now until further notice, I will be avoiding any and all who look like
this or
this. So, you know, stay away. And yes, I know they look exactly the same but hey they tend to get confused more times than not so I'm covering all my bases here.
Now I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my bottle of expensive wine with my hot girlfriend and ring in the new year.
That is all. Enjoy 2008 everyone.