I've just gotten distracted by creating stuff, farting around on Tumblr, and a new neighborhood in which I'm playing with age-modding. But since a couple of people have actually poked me about this thing lately, I decided last night to open up this neighborhood. I told myself I was just going to reacquaint myself with it, to remember what I'd been doing and such...and I ended up playing it until like 3AM. *headdesk* I found that it's "quickness" was a welcome change from the drawn-out-ness of the age-modded 'hood. As a result, I have pics for about four postings of this, I think. And this one's pretty long (HAH!) all by itself...and since I started taking pics for it, I changed out my default skins...and got a better graphics card...so my apologies for the changes that happen mid-stream in this. :)
But I should say that this "story" is probably going to end up being the only thing that I'll be keeping on this LJ. I've pretty much totally moved over to
my Tumblr instead now, just because it's easier to have (almost) everything in one place, and I'm lazy. But the one thing Tumblr isn't easier for is posting text interspersed with pictures. For that, a journaling site is definitely better, so...Here we are. But really, if you're not interested in this silly neighborhood of mine but do want downloads and such, you'd be better off de-friending this LJ (I won't be offended! :) ) and following my Tumblr, if you have a Tumblr. (If you don't, I guess you could bookmark it and check it periodically.) But anyway, Longhollow will be staying right here so without further ado:
For casual, non-pornographic nekkidness, language, and...drug use? Yup.
The next few days were filled with domestic bliss, child care, pet-brick-making, and tending to the Wacky Weed.
Some "highlights," such as they are:
1) Jill's second genie wish:
She wished for the power to cheat death this time. And I guess the genie wasn't bothered by her nekkidness because he granted it.
2) Surprise! You're pregnant again!
Seriously, it seemed like a surprise. She didn't have any morning sickness or discomfort this time at all. Must be nice to be her.
3) Rupert discovered his One True Hobby:
Just like his mama. :)
4) Ben got this:
So hopefully he'll get a better and more profitable yield this time.
5) Rupert got potty-trained...
...just in time for him to grow up, basically.
And then it was That Time again. Time for not knowin' nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies, that is:
And look! This time, Ben didn't sleep through it!
"I'm never going to hear the end of that, am I?" Ben lamented.
Nope, not in a billion years, beloved. Anyway, this time, it was a...
They named her Joy. And it looks like she's another green-eyed blonde:
But, um, that could be because I forgot to roll the pacifier. Um, I mean, WHERE ARE MY FUCKING REDHEADS, DAMMIT???!
"GEEZ, STOP SCREAMING!" Ben screamed back. "And can I help it that she's got weak genes?"
"What was that?" Jill asked, a touch indignantly.
"Nothing, darling," Ben answered as soothingly as possible, considering his decibel level. "Absolutely nothing."
Rupert, meanwhile, clung to his mama's leg and wailed, "MAMA, MAKE LADY STOP YELLING, PWEASE!"
Ben, sighing, soothed him with a "You'll get used to it, buddy," followed shortly by a bewildered "Wait, he talks?"
"Guess so," Jill answered with a shrug. "And why is She yelling and would you please tell Her to stop?"
OK, OK, I'LL...stop.
Anyway, shortly after Joy's birth, it was time for Rupert to grow up again. Time flies, doesn't it? And while I was busy getting him a much-needed haircut after his transition, his parents were off upstairs doing the wild thing yet again. No baby chimes, though. And once the haircut was done, Rupert looked like this:
Yup, he's definitely got his father's nose and non-existent upper lip as well as his mother's squinty eyes. Fabulous! Well, OK, I'm glad he got The Nose, but the rest? Oh, and he also inherited his mama's proclivity for nekkidness, too, with his 10 Outgoing points, so...Beware!
So that was the end of Days 15-17. Onward and upward!
* * * * *
Day 18 was Rupert's first day of school. This is the outfit he chose for the momentous day:
I suppose I should be thankful that he didn't go naked, but... Yeah, we're gonna have to do something about that outfit, kiddo.
"But I like these colors!" Rupert protested with typical five-year-old pouty indignance.
I do, too, dearest, but...Well, just not together, is all. It kind of makes my eyeballs bleed.
"Oh," Rupert answered, frowning. "Well, should I go in and change or...?"
No, darling, you don't have time. The bus is here. We'll fix it when you come home. Have a good first day!
"'K! Bye!" Rupert cheerfully sang out as he cheerfully climbed into the bus.
...Should I be worried about or proud of the fact that he's all totally blase about hearing voices in his head?? Oh well, whatever...
Meanwhile, Jill was inside making her final genie wish, and she finally wished for wealth:
Since the family has all of $150 to its name, all I can say is, "THANK ME!"
The day progressed. With the money from Jill's wealth wish, some upgrades were made to the house's furnishings, and Ben could buy ladybug houses for the weed garden. And Ben snuggled Joy as often as he snuggled Rupert when he was a baby. And Jill finally made best friends with Sandy Bruty. And there were werewolf transformations 'cuz it's Thursday. They kind of freaked out Rupert a bit, poor child:
Before that, Jill got a makeover, though. She was overdue:
And Rupert got a new, non-clashing, but still partly purple outfit:
And he chatted online with Chloe Gonzaga:
Which, you know is pretty impressive for someone who was a toddler about 24 hours earlier... Otherwise, nothing exciting happened...
...Well, except this:
It just never ends, I tell you. And when they chucked her out of the saucer...I HEAR BABY CHIMES! It's not quite the way I wanted my fruitful multiplying to go down, but I'll take it. :)
* * * * *
The next day, Day 19...Well, Jill's not so clueless about being pregnant this time, I'm afraid:
In fact, she barfed about 5 times just in the morning hours and her comfort redlined and wouldn't budge upward at all. Methinks the alien DNA is not agreeing with her. As in, it really, really doesn't agree with her:
BUMMER! She fell into an uneasy and nightmare-plagued sleep after that, poor lamb, and she didn't feel much better when she woke up, either:
Meanwhile, Ben had a crop to harvest:
This time, he made $1308 from his crop of 10 plants, and he'll plant another batch tomorrow. And Rupert brought Marsha Bruenig home from school and they quickly made friends:
(Never mind Rupert's suddenly transparent hair. I don't know why it's doing that. :( Methinks I need to update the drivers for this new video card...)
But there was some cause for happiness today because Joy grew into toddlerhood. So, have some Toddler Joy spam:
She got The Nose, too...which I guess isn't surprising since I forgot to roll the pacifier.
And you know...At the end of a really rough day, a good joint enjoyed au naturel makes everything just a little bit better:
(You thought I was kidding about the drug use, didn't you? :) )