
Jun 06, 2012 14:40

But before we get to the madness, have some stuff I put on MTS that I didn't put here. In fact, I've kinda decided that I'm really only going to put stuff here that isn't on MTS. (And I do have some stuff I want to put here. Like some lots, because it'll be easier to put 'em here. Plus some other stuff.) Mostly I've decided to go this way because I seem to generally not feel like making pics that will fit here, once I get through making the required ones for MTS. *laughs* I will continue to link to MTS stuff here, however, for anyone who might follow this journal and might want the stuff I make but who doesn't regularly follow MTS. And that's what I'm doing here. So, the following is up at MTS:

Those henleys I "previewed" below

Recolors of the Cozinator Chair and Rancher's Round dining table from Seasons

Recolors of the basegame expensive chess table

So have at 'em, if you haven't already done so.

And now for the actual madness...Guess what I've gone and done? I am *gulp* delving into meshing. Just a little bit. Like dipping a pinkie toe into the water kind of thing. So, I've actually opened Milkshape, which I bought a few years back when I thought, "Hey, this might be fun!" and then farted around with it a bit...and then promptly went into recoloring instead because, to be honest, it's easy if you have image editing skillz, which I do have to some degree. But not easy. Not for me, anyway. But I have a very specific purpose in mind! A mission, if you will. It's not a mission that I know for certain that I'll be able to accomplish...but I'm gonna try.

See, I have a strange thing for pregnant man-pixels. I don't know why. Maybe it's a kind of passive-aggressive revenge for going through three real-life pregnancies, I don't know. But whatever it is, I think pregnant man-pixels are absolutely ADORABLE. I love watching them waddle around, so much so that I even artificially extend their pregnancies. (They're all alien pregnancies, since I don't have a same-sex pregnancy mod, so I figure, why not pretend that they've got a longer gestational period? Plus, I make it ludicrously easy for my Sims to be abducted, so...lots of alien kids roaming around.)

But there is one problem. Namely: The EAxis man-ternity wear is absolutely HIDEOUS and, although I have a "Wear Any Outfit During Pregnancy" mod, it seems that not too many CC creators make male stuff with pregnant morphs. (Thankfully Fanseelamb, my main source for man-clothes, does now, bless her. :) ) I do have a few default replacements of some EAxis male clothing with pregnant morphs that someone made a while back...but not nearly enough of them, in my book, and after years of playing, I'm getting really tired of looking at the same relatively few outfits for nine SimDays at a stretch. *laughs*

So! My mission is to attempt to make a lot more preggo menstuff. (And maybe some teen stuff for both genders, too, if this turns out to be something I can eventually do relatively easily.) Which is why I need to figure out this whole meshing dealy-bob, at least enough to do what I want to do. Here's the results of my first stab at it, made just last night. Well, OK, at about 5AM today after working on learning stuff pretty much all night, 'since I'm distinctly nocturnal:

MWAH! :D Not too bad. Unfortunately, the stripes on that particular shirt stretch as the mesh stretches, but...can't be helped, AFAIK. Now I just need to see if I can make the shirt hang a little better below the belly, so it doesn't look quite so molded, but without distorting the pants too much... So, yeah... My main goal is to add pregnant morphs to EAxis stuff that would make sense as maternity wear, like the above outfit, and then make the files default replacements (which I don't yet know how to do, but I'm sure there's a tutorial or five out there somewhere), so that if a guy's wearing an outfit I've added a preg morph to when he pops, he'll be good to go. Then, if I'm brave, I might try to do the same with some CC stuff I have and like and that doesn't already have preg morphs.

Of course, I'd be willing to share my final results if anyone's interested. So, let me know if you are. Otherwise, I'll keep my strange-ass toys to myself. *laughs*

miscellaneous crap, downloads

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