Конспирологическую теорию о том, что Джеком-Потрошителем был Алистер Кроули, мы уже слыхали. А вот свеженькое: "Алистер Кроули мог быть повинен в "Проклятии фараонов".
По ссылке (на английском, но всё понятно):
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/egypt/8878314/Curse-of-Tutankhamun-may-have-been-work-of-Satanist-killer.html А я обратил внимание, с какой частотой встречается в датах жизни и смерти фигурантов наше любимое число:
More than 20 people linked to the opening of the pharaoh's burial chamber in Luxor in 1923 bizarrely died over the following years
Raoul Loveday (16 February 1923): the 23-year-old Oxford undergraduate was a follower of Crowley's cult at a Sicilian abbey. He died on the same day at the very hour of Carter's much-publicised opening of Tutankhamun's burial chamber.
Prince Ali Kamel Fahmy Bey (10 July 1923): a 23-year-old Egyptian prince shot dead by his French wife of six months, Marie-Marguerite, in London's Savoy Hotel shortly after he was photographed visiting the tomb.
Aubrey Herbert (23 September 1923): shortly after Marie-Marguerite's acquittal, Aubrey Herbert, the half-brother of Lord Carnarvon, died of blood poisoning after a routine dental operation went suspiciously wrong at his private hospital in Park Lane. He had only recently returned from his own trip to Luxor.
Captain Richard Bethell (15 November 1929): Howard Carter's 46-year-old personal secretary was found dead in his bed at Mayfair's exclusive Bath Club.
Sir Ernest Wallis Budge (23 November 1934): A former Keeper in the British Museum's Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, he was found dead in his bed in Bloomsbury aged 77.