Jul 02, 2004 06:55
i have spent the last few days getting used to have my gf with me again. it is funy how i adjusted to not haveing her. But it is so good to have her here with me. i have searching in scripture a bunch latley. look for something, many things. like i have no idea what to do for Sunday school. that is one reason why i am seaching. pray for me on that one. also i am lonley. my parents are at the beach with my little sister and her friends. they are crazy for taking all thouse girls to the beach. but even thought mu room i down stairs and some night i come i so late and just go to bed.i still miss them. a little fyi is does not matter how you get you still miss your mama. ad least i do. my parent as cool. i asked my dad if he would help me cook ribs for my EG small group and with out even thinking he said yes. we will be there in front of the grill all morining, but it will be good. my heart is hevy this morining i cant help but think about my job. when you know you will loose it, it makes everthing look so different. i want to get lazy and do nothing but that is no what scripture sayes. it say to do everything like you are laboring for the lord. i saw a friend of mine have great paients yesterday. i was impressed i would of been mad. but he was ohk, he just let it go. bye the say Laci Karson you Bday party was cool! have i every said i love the youth groupe. i do and i will tell you another reason why. i am accepted. other places i am seen as to old, or too young or to short. but no not amongest friends. i am looking fwd to this sunday our crossfire pratice tues was awsome, and the set we have is killer. i can wait to celebrate god on the 4th of july. and on top of that on the 5th of july(my bday) i will have my eg group that night at 5:30. i can t imagion doing any thing else on my bday. well my prayer is for us to make a declorations of dependance on god thei independance day. think about it.