(no subject)

Sep 28, 2010 23:30

OMG, please don't be mad at how long it's taken me to update this. I can not even begin to explain was a craptastic week I've had. So much freaking drama. I mean seriously, who knew that there was so much effort involved in certain friendships? And its not all friendships. No, it's just one. The one I thought that meant the most. Apparently not!

Ugh, anyway, so I've had a minor falling out with my bestfriend of 6 years, and I totally haven't been up to writing anything. I don't like this chapter because I just wasn't feeling it, but I feel bad for keeping you guys waiting. Please be nice when telling me how crap it is...


Words fall out of my mouth

And I can't seem to trace what I'm saying

“Do you love him?” Sophie regretted asking the question as soon as the words had fallen out of her mouth. But it was too late. The question was asked. It was there, hanging over the two girls like a storm cloud over a puddle.




Still Nothing.

I think so.

Of course I do.

The possibilities of Sian’s answer were endless, and they all poured through Sophie’s mind.

The silence was becoming unbearable. It was hurting more than knowing the answer. The idea that Sian had to think about her answer broke Sophie’s heart a little.

“Sian?” She whispered.

And then she heard it. It was soft at first, but it got louder as she realized what it was.

A dial tone.

* * * * *

The week that followed passed like a blur. Days blended together and by the weekend, Sophie couldn’t recall a single thing that had happened. The last thing that she remembered for certain was the phone call, no, the dial tone that bought her world crashing down.

Do you love him?

Sophie ran her fingers through her hair.

Did you want to know the answer so badly?

“Sophie!” Rosie’s voice burst into Sophie’s thoughts.


“Can you pass me the phone?”

Sophie slowly picked up the phone from beside her on the couch. She hadn’t even heard it ring.

“Remember - ”

“I know. If it’s Sian, you’re not here.” Sophie smiled weakly and passed Rosie the phone.

She didn’t even stay to hear who it was. She slowly stood and walked up the stairs to her room.

Closing the door behind her, she threw herself onto her bed. It wasn’t long before Rosie joined her.

“What’s going on?”


“Sophie, I know something is wrong. I thought you and Sian were friends again.”

“We were.”

“What happened?”


“I know, I know. But out.” Rosie sighed. “I’m just trying to help.”

“I know.” Sophie whispered as Rosie walked out.

The truth was, noone could help her. Sian had broken heart.

* * * * *

Another week passed.

And another.

Sophie avoided everywhere that she might see Sian. She didn’t go to church. She went to school, and went straight home. She’d even given up her job at Dev’s shop.

She was lying on her bed, starring at the ceiling, drifting to sleep when her phone started to ring. It was Sian. Sophie didn’t even need to look at the screen anymore because she’d given Sian her very own ringtone so she could avoid accidentally answering it.

But you broke me

Now I can’t feel anything

When “I love you”

Rings so untrue

James Morrison’s voice filled Sophie’s ears. She knew the song was a little beyond dramatic, but it was also so fitting for the way she was feeling. Just like the story of Romeo and Juliet and their forbidden love fitted every one of her feelings a few weeks earlier, the heartbreakingly beautiful words of the song Broken Strings fitted everything she felt in that moment. And the moment before. And the moments to come.

“I’m not sure what’s going on between you girls, but maybe you could get her to come out.”

Sally’s voice filled Sophie’s ears as the ringing stopped. Who was she talking to?

“I’ll try, Mrs. Webster.”


It couldn’t be.

Sophie shot upright and looked at all her escape options, but it was too late. Sian slowly appeared in the middle of the brunette’s bedroom.

“What do you want?” Sophie’s voice was cold, which actually suited her just fine. She wanted to show Sian as much compassion and feeling and trust that the blonde had showed her. So, yes, cold was perfect.

“You don’t even answer my calls anymore?”

“Why should?”

“I wanted to talk to you. I must’ve called a hundred times!”

“And yet it took almost a month for you to show up. Can’t be that important.”

“Don’t be like this.”

“How else should I be, Sian? You hung up on me!” Sophie folded her arms over her chest.

“I didn’t.”

“Yeah, ya did.”

“If you’ll listen to me - ”

“I don’t want to listen to you.” Sophie could see that she was hurting Sian and it killed her. She didn’t expect it to hurt this much. It hurt more than it did when Sian had hurt her because Sophie still loved the blonde girl. She loved Sian with all the pieces of her shattered heart.

“I don’t want to see you.”

“Soph…” Sian whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

“I can’t.” Sophie lowered her head. She couldn’t look at the blonde anymore. She couldn’t watch tears fall from Sian’s eyes, and she wouldn’t show Sian the tears that were falling from her own.

“Not like I love you.” Sian whispered. It was almost inaudible, and any normal person wouldn’t have heard it. But this was Sophie Webster, and she heard every word that Sian Powers said, every time. Even if she hadn’t meant to.


“You asked me if I love Ryan…” Sophie didn’t dare look up, but she felt Sian kneel before her. “And my answer is not like I love you.”

Sophie finally let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding.

Not like I love you.

That of course didn’t mean that she didn’t love Ryan, but it meant that she did love Sophie.

“Soph, look at me.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want you to see me cry.”

“I’ve seen you cry a million times, Sophie Webster.”

“But this is different.” Sophie whispered.

“I know.”

"It's ok. Take your time, Soph." Sian rested her hands upon Sophie's. "I'm not going anywhere.

Comments are love...

come down to me, sophie webster, femslash, sian powers, breatheforher, corronation street, fanfiction, corrie, siophie

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