Nov 27, 2003 18:22
so i haven't updated in forever cause I just don't have the time I'd like to right now. the ANi show was fab. if I didn't write about it, but it's ani how can it not be fab. umm... I'm going to see 311 again tomorrow. that should be fun. me rich paul and sarah. so we have a new parkway exit for brick. now we have 3, it's scary. do we really need 3 exits. I guess everyone is coming to brick these days. I had a dream about bombs last night. and I dreamt that one was dropped near by and I could feel my ear drums bursting and I felt my self crumpling over in pain and I could see paul falling over in pain and it made me feel awful. I couldn't help him and that's all I wanted to do but the pain in my ears was so bad. and than I couldn't feel anything. i went numb and I couldn't see anything. it was so sad. than I woke up. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. if I sit still with out talking to anyone I think about it. I think I'm going crazy but hell at least I'm going crazy and scoring well on my tests for school. that's It from me for now I think. Phoenix practice and banquet this sat. I can't wait.
"i was walking down the street and I was almost hit by a car but a whirlwind stopped things from going to far. I'm still trying figure out what it was that saved me but the scent of the breeze from that night has me..............."