Lovely Spoilerage!

Jul 27, 2007 02:04

Sides For Episode 3 are out now and the episode sounds so good!

Episode 303: Bad Day At Black Rock

Sides For Creedy and Kubrick Combined

Teaser: Ext. Prison-Day

Establishing Shots-Guards on the line, barbed wire, inmates playing basketball in the yard; just to set place and mood…

Int. Prison-Visitor Security-Day

Camera pans down a line of visitors, friends and family of inmates, as they shuffle under grim florescents toward the security checkpoint. Find Kubrick waiting among them-early 40’s, bald, compact, built of gristle.

Int. Prison-Visitation area-Day

At a visitation booth-Plexiglass partition, privacy dividers, phones on either side. Kubrick sits on the civilian side, watching as an inmate enters frame and sits into an over-the-shoulder FG [We can’t see who it is.]

Kubrick: It’s true. A Devil’s Gate was opened. In Wyoming.

Kubrick slaps a printout up against the plexi partition-on it, an aerial photo of the Wyoming Devil’s Gate from the finale. The pentagram lay-out is traced over in red pen.

Kubrick: Big. St. Helena’s big. No solid fix on how many got out, but it’s in the hundreds. An army.

Hunkered, seething in the FG, the inmate growls

Inmate: (O.S.) Sam Winchester was there. Wasn’t he.

Reverse to reveal-the inmate is Gordon-Sam’s hunter-nemesis from last season, now the proverbial tiger in a cage.

Kubrick: (nods) Talked to a guy who knows a guy who knows Bobby Singer, and yeah…looks like the Winchesters were at ground zero when the Gate got popped. But Singer said they went in there to stop it.

Gordon: (shakes head) Bobby’s edge ain’t what it used to be. Sam could have him believing anything by now.

Kubrick: Listen, Gordon…far as talk goes, Sam Winchester checks out. He’s a hunter. That’s all.

Gordon: ‘That’s all.’ (mirthless laugh) Kubrick-I’m not even sure he’s human. (Off Kubrick’s look) Think I’m crazy? I told you a war was coming. Six months ago. Well take a look around. It’s here.

Gordon leans forward, intense:

Gordon: Now I’m telling you-this boy is part of it. (ice) Track him down, Kubrick. You’ll come to see it too-

On Gordon-through the glass, which carries Kubrick’s reflection. Gordon’s eyes burn with righteous fury…

Gordon: Sam Winchester must die…

Cut To Black.

End Of Teaser

(Pages Skip)

A knock at the door-Grossman moves cautiously to it, checks the eyepiece, then relaxes. It’s their neighbor Foster [mid-50’s, unshaven, a worn army vest; a Vietnam Vet].

Grossman: Hey, Foster.

Foster: Listen, guys-Not to be a drag or nothing, but it’s six in the morning.

Grossman: Right. No. We’ve just got a situation here is all. Sorry-

Foster: (sees Wayne’s injury) What happened to you?

Wayne: (miserably) Friggin’ shotgun happened to me.

Foster strides in, old instincts returning; he calls instructions to Grossman.

Foster: Grossman, under my sink, I’ve got a first aid kit. And get some water boiling.

Foster crouches by Wayne, checks his wound over-

Foster: Ain’t you shot all to hell (chuckles) But I seen worse. I was an army medic, you know back in ‘Nam. (grins at Wayne) So I guess it’s your lucky day.

Wayne nods, his eyes drifting to the rabbit’s foot…

Ext. Rest Stop-Day

A weathered, unassuming recreational vehicle, moored at a rest stop, empty but for a mud-spattered SUV parked nearby.

Int. Kubrick’s RV- Day

This is Kubrick’s base of operations. Hunter gear and research lie about in controlled clutter.

Kubrick stands at a counter in the kitchenette, field-stripping a high powered rifle. Creedy, another hunter, moves about the RV living area, looking at this and that.

Creedy: So you’ve got no hard evidence on this Winchester guy. You’re just working off Gordon’s instincts.

Kubrick: You ever hunt with Gordon?

Creedy: No. Heard he’s good.

Kubrick: (snorts) ‘Good’. (then) He’s the best. Saved my ass more times than I can count. And if he says Sam Winchester is dangerous, believe him.

Creedy: How dangerous? Shoot him down in the street dangerous?

Kubrick: That’s what we have to find out.

Creedy takes this in, exhales, shakes his head:

Creedy: Guy’s practically on the FBI’s most wanted. He’s going to be covering his tracks. Won’t be easy to find.

Something on a shelf catches Creedy’s eye-

Kubrick: Last I got puts him in Nebraska, three weeks back.

--it’s a small novelty bust of Jesus; a portrait, sculpted in reverse, so its eyes and face follow you wherever you go.

Creedy: Nebraska, three weeks ago? Not exactly a fresh lead.

Creedy sways from side to side, one eye closed.

Creedy POV-as the Jesus face turns, eyes following us.

Kubrick: He ain’t invisible, Creedy. Some hunter out there knows something. So we start calling our contacts.

Creedy picks up the Jesus bust, now turns it side to side in his hands. Kubrick walks up to him, pulling his phone out.

Kubrick: All we need is one break.

He takes the bust out of Creedy’s hands.

Kubrick: Don’t play with my Jesus.

Creedy watches him place it back on the shelf.

Ext. Low Rent Apartment building-Morning

The Impala pulls into the gravel lot, cruises past a rusty orange pinto.

As they cruise by, Dean reads the plate.

Dean: Connecticut. Last three digits, ‘8-8-0’.

Sam: Yep. That’s it.

Dean: (tsk-tsk) Shoulda blacked their plates before they parked in front of that security camera…

Int. Low Rent Apartment-Kitchen-Morning

The back door swings open quietly; Sam tucks away his lockpicks, Dean covering him with his gun.

Wayne: (O.S.) (excited cackle) Four Kings! You see that?!

With strike team grace and stealth, the brothers move in, clearing the first back rooms.

(Pages Skip)

They walk up to the manager [40s. fat n’ happy, like a Campbell’s Soup Kid all grown up] behind the reservations podium. He can’t seem to wait for Sam to say:

Sam: Table for two, please.

Manager: (blurts out) Congratulations!

Sam and Dean lean back a bit, surprised by the effusion.

Dean: It’s exciting, I know-

Then all hell breaks loose-A strobe light flashes, balloons drop, and a song like ‘Pump Up The Volume’ blares through the PA system. Sam and Dean are deer in the headlights.

The wait-staff comes out of the woodwork, all clapping in time with the music. The manager lifts up a large piece of poster board. He hands it to Sam, who takes it, still stunned. We see it’s a giant size coupon-“Free food for one year!”

Manager: You are the one-millionth guest of the Biggerson’s Restaurant family!

Dean: Free food for a year!

Dean nods, rockin’! Sam stands awkwardly, holding the big dumb thing, as several digital photos are snapped by staff.

On elderly man-seated in the waiting area, bitter:

Senior Citizen: Lucky bastard.

Int. Kubrick’s RV-Day

The hunters have been at it for awhile. Kubrick holds a worn leather address book, finishes up a call.

Kubrick: Right, You hear anything, you give me a call. (hangs up, exhales) That clears my book. The word’s out. Now we wait.

Creedy nods, stretches, looking drawn.

Creedy: Now we eat.

Kubrick: Good idea. (heads to kitchenette) What do you like? I’ve got canned everything-

Creedy: No, man. Not eating in the RV.

Kubrick: What? Why?

Creedy deflects, turns to his open lap top.

Creedy: Look, I know a good place. Wide menu, good service, homey atmosphere. Garlic knots. (as he types) The menu is up on their website. Hang on…

Off Kubrick, a bit crestfallen at Creedy’s rejection of his moveable feast.

Int. ‘Biggerson’s’ Family Restaurant-Day

Sam and Dean at a booth. End of the meal. Dean finishes his with a pair of crazy big dessert sundaes. Sam has the laptop open and is researching lore.

Sam: Bobby’s right. The lore on this goes way back. Pure hoodoo. And you can’t just cut one off any rabbit. You have to catch it in a cemetery, under a full moon, on a Friday the 13th…

Dean is just barely listening, rapt with his desserts.

Dean: (best idea ever: ) From now on, let’s only go to places where there are Biggerson’s.

Dean sees an attractive redheaded waitress heading past their table, carrying a pot of coffee.

(Pages Skip)

Sam is on one knee, trying to reach his shoe, down in the storm drain. It’s no use…

Bobby: But if it’s her, at least I might know some folks who know where to find her…

Dean: OK. Thanks, man. Really-

Bobby: Just look out for your brother, ya idjit.

Bobby hangs up. Dean does the same. Sam stands up, dirt stained, shaking his head.

Dean: What.

Sam: (defeated) I lost my shoe.

Off Dean’s reaction-

Ext. ‘Biggerson’s’ Family Restaurant-Parking Lot-Night 29

Kubrick’s RV is parked out front. Creedy’s muddy SUV is trailer-hitched behind it.

Kubrick leans against his RV, staring into space. Creedy walks up to him, carrying left-overs; they’re wrapped inside a tinfoil swan.

Creedy: No one saw which way they went. And their meal was free, so no credit card trail…

Kubrick: (oddly at peace) Don’t worry. We’ll find him. I know it now.

Creed eyes him, puzzled by his tranquility.

Creedy: Well, good. That’s a comfort. We should get some rest.

Kubrick: (nods to the RV) We can bed down in the RV. (off Creedy’s glare) What?

Creedy: Just because you own an RV doesn’t mean you have to do everything in an RV!

Kubrick” It sleeps eight.

Creedy: Better get seven more people, cause I’m sleeping in a motel tonight.

Creedy exits frame. Kubrick throws an even look after him.

Ext. Highway-Night-Some Time Later

The Impala speeds along.

Int. Impala-Night

Dean finished up a call on his cell.

Dean: Thanks, Bobby. We owe you…you know…another one.

He hangs up, turns to Sam.

Dean: Ok. Bobby’s got it. on pretty good authority that this Bela chick has a place in Queens. Which I can make in about…two hours, I think.

Sam nods. Dean looks up ahead.

Dean’s POV-Through Windshield-a Motel Sign approaching. Dean turns into the lot of the motel.

Sam: What are you doing--?

As he drives the lot, we see Kubrick’s RV parked in the BG.

(Pages Skip)

Bela: No. (icy pride) A great thief.

Int. Motel Room-Morning

Sam’s POV-Blackness-because Sam is unconscious. Wait, here he comes-Fade in and slowly focus on: Sam’s arm, being duct taped to the arm of a chair. Creedy looks up from the task, sees Sam’s awake.

Creedy: He’s awake.

POV follows Creedy’s eyeline up to Kubrick.

Kubrick: Back with us, eh?

Creedy: We didn’t even have to touch you. You just went spastic and knocked yourself out…(still in awe) It was like watching Jerry Lewis try to stack chairs.

Sam frowns, blinking to full and unpleasant unconsciousness.

Sam: What do you want? Why are you--

Kubrick punches Sam in the face, hard.

Kubrick: I used to think your friend Gordon sent me.

Sam: Gordon--?!

Kubrick: Because he asked me to track you down. Put a bullet in your brain.

Sam: (weary sigh) Sounds like him.

Kubrick has a strange, glassed-over glint in his eye-

Kubrick: But as it turns out, I’m on a mission from God…

Kubrick punches Sam again, blacking camera-

Int. Bela’s warehouse apartment-Day

Now there’s a little more distance between them, they’re just slightly more relaxed, guns aimed but not thrust out-

Dean: Look, Bela. My brother, he touched the foot. When you took it from him, his luck went from-

Bela: I know how it works.

Dean: Then you know he’s going to die unless we can destroy it.

Bela: Oh, you can have the foot. For one-point-five million.

Dean: Nice. I’ll call my banker. (occurs to him) How did you even find the damn thing? Stuck in the back of a storage place, middle of nowhere?

She smiles, eyes flicking toward a display alcove; in it, an ornate, antique Ouija board, browned with age, propped up next to its Ivory planchette. Looks like the real deal.

Bela: I just asked a few of the ghosts of the people it’s killed. (smiles) They were very attuned into its location.

Dean shakes his head, disdain mounting.

Dean: So it’s all about the money.

Bela: And what, being a hunter is so much more noble--? Bunch of obsessed, revenge-driven sociopaths, trying to save a world that can’t be saved?

They watch each other cagily, Dean backing to the front door.

Dean: Aren’t you glass-half-full.

Bela: Hey. We’re all going to Hell, Dean. Might as well enjoy the ride.

Dean: Huh. I actually agree with you there-

Dean’s succeeded in reaching the front door.

Dean: Anyhoo. This has been charming, really, but look at the time…and you know, this-

He holds up the rabbit’s foot in his other hand (bare hand, so he owns it now). He smiles sweetly.

Dean: Had it since you read my note, actually. (off her glare) If it’s any consolation, I think you’re a truly awful person.

Bela raises her gun, starts marching toward him, firing repeatedly-Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam!

But her aim and gun are thrown off by Dean’s newfound incredible luck. The bullets buzz and ricochet, smashing curios.

Dean walks slowly and unscathed out the door…

Int. Motel Room-Day

Sam, strapped to the chair, looking battered, groggy. Water splashes over him and he comes back to focus.

Kubrick: You were part of that demon plan…to open the gate, weren’t you?

He grabs Sam by the hair, tips his head back.

Sam: We gave everything to stop it.

Kubrick punches Sam again.

Kubrick: Lie. You’re in on this-And you know what their next move is, too, dontcha?

Sam: You’re wrong.

Kubrick: (shakes Sam brutally) Where are they going to hit us next?! Where?! (Sam doesn’t respond) Gordon told me, Sam. About your powers. You’re some kind of weirdo psychic freak-

Sam: That’s over now. No visions, no powers-I’m just-

Crack! Kubrick hits Sam again.

Kubrick: Lie!

Kubrick shakes his head, paces to his coat on the bed.

Kubrick: No more lies. There’s an army of demons out there, pushin’ on a world already on the brink. We’re on deck for the end game here, right? (grim beat) So maybe you understand why we can’t take chances.

He pulls a gun from his coat, turns, levels it at Sam’s head.

Sam: Now just hold on a minute-

Creedy: Kubrick-

Kubrick: No! You saw what happened, Creedy! Ask yourself, why are we here? Because you saw a picture on the web? Because we chose this motel instead of another? (shakes his head) Luck like that doesn’t just happen.

Sam: Wait, I think I can explain-

Kubrick: Shut up! (to Creedy) It’s God, Creedy… He led us here, for one reason. To do His Work. (gun to Sam’s head) This is destiny-

Dean: (O.S.) Nope. No destiny-

They turn to see Dean, holding his gun on them.

Dean: Just a rabbit’s foot.

Creedy: What the-

Dean: Let him go.

Kubrick is calm, his barrel at Sam’s head.

Kubrick: Put your gun down, or you’ll be scrubbing brain off the wall.

Dean: This thing? OK.

Dean puts the gun down. Kubrick swings his gun from Sam, now loosely covering both brothers. Dean narrows his eyes, his voice going all Eastwood steely.

Dean: But there’s something about me you don’t know.

Dean straightens, holds up a ballpoint pen.

Kubrick: Yeah. What’s that?

Dean: It’s my lucky day.

On a pen-flying end-over-end through the air like a blur-panned BG. The pen plugs Kubrick’s gun barrel perfectly. Dean can’t keep his cool:

Dean: Oh my God did you see that shot?!

Creedy leaps for Dean. Dean dodges. Creedy’s misfire sends him hurtling into a dresser, cracking his head. He’s out.

Dean: I’m amazing!

Dean sees the TV Remote on the night table, picks it up, just as Kubrick unplugs his gun, raises it-Dean whispers:

Dean: I’m Batman.

Dean whips the remote at him.

Close on Kubrick-the remote strikes Kubrick between the eyes with a thwack. He falls back, revealing Sam in the BG, still tied up, flatly sarcastic:

Sam: Yeah. You’re Batman.

Ext. Cemetery-Night

At a grave. Sam is over a shallow pan of burning coals. He adds the last few ingredients to his ritual, referencing a print out of the page Bobby had before.

Sam: Bone ash…Cayenne pepper…OK. We should be ready-

Dean: Right. One more second…

He turns to Dean, who is feverishly scratching off a last scratcher.

Sam: Dean--

End Of Sides.

Woohoo we are getting Limp!Sam again. Yay!

supernatural, season three, speculation, spoilers

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