All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2

May 18, 2007 00:58

I'll put this behind a cut because of spoilers.

All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2 )

all hell break loose part 2, season 2, supernatural, episode review

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Season 3 mrsjagielski May 18 2007, 08:00:19 UTC
I'm anticipating season 3. As I told you before, I was never a really die hard SPN fan in seasons one and two, but I think that's about to change.

I think that Sam is going to be fleshed out more, and this time around, he's going to be the brother keeping the secret, while at the same time trying to deal and stop his brother's impending death.

I think that Sam was the choice to lead the demon army, but I still think that he's going to have to chose too. He's not part demon. If he was, he wouldn't have been able to walk into the cemetery. I think that Sam was indeed born with his abilities, and that he got them from his mother.

Sammy's will is going to be tested in Season three. I don't think that they will put him in the role of big brother, because that's Dean up and down, and I don't think that Dean will surrender it. I do think that Sam will have to protect Dean from himself. I'm thinking Dean may have a death wish next season.

I'm hoping that they show Bobbie and Ellen a hell of a lot more because they're gonna be needed in war. Maybe the guys will even get some lovin' next season. Long as it doesn't mess with the show's core story.


Re: Season 3 ibelieveinsam May 18 2007, 08:06:48 UTC
I definitely think you are on your way to being an obsessed Supernatural fan Alex and I'm glad you enjoyed the episode.

I want Sam to be fleshed out more too. I guess it's okay for him to explore his darkside. Everyone has a darkside. I can deal if he's angry or emotional about what's happening. However, I prefer they not go there with Evil!Sam. Jared does a great job with it but I just don't like it.

I don't mind seeing Bobby again. He's a great father figure type although how he got the chicken still stumps me lol.

Thanks for trying to cheer me up. I appreciate it. Maybe when spoilers come out for the season premiere, I will feel better.


Re: Season 3 fairyl May 18 2007, 14:39:18 UTC
Dev, what can I say I completely agree with you. After I first saw it I think I was in shock (lol) and I felt so depressed, but now it's a bit better I suppose. I rewatched it some but skipped some parts.

I agree that the scene with Dean by Sam's bed was so heartbreaking and sweet, how he said he wanted to look out for his little brother and to take care of him because he wanted to. I really liked that. I wish Dean could have been there when he woke up though. The hug wasn't really a hug, because I think Sam's back was really hurting him. So we better get another one.

And about Sam killing Jake, well he scared me when he did it. He shot him like 7 times. I'm a little bit worried about him. I look forward to S3 but I just don't want him to go into a darker side. I don't want him to ever be evil too. It reminded me of Dean in Bloodlust too.

I do want to see them explore how Sam will deal with this secret, how he has to save Dean. He will have such a burden on his shoulders =(I think we will get a lot of Sam!Angst which is good and Mommy!Angst too. Which is also good lol.

You know I love Limp!Sam and I will always love Dean in the big brother protective role so I just hope we see some of that too. S3 can really be a chance for Sam to get some developement, see how he feels about all of this and that can only be good right?


Sorry if this was a little long lol. I just felt better reading it because it's exactly how I feel.


Re: Season 3 ibelieveinsam May 26 2007, 06:13:43 UTC
Perfectly fine about the long comment and I'm sorry I didn't reply to it right away. You know I am still so nervous about the whole thing.


Re: Season 3 fairyl May 26 2007, 09:07:17 UTC
God I'm getting so nervous now. I'm gonna watch Star Wars and compare Sam to Luke lol. I just found our Star Wars box that my brother bought lol. Then there was someone who had said she read a spoiler about Sam being a little more evil every episode. I don't think it's true but it still freaked me out.


Re: Season 3 ibelieveinsam May 26 2007, 09:22:44 UTC
OMG Louise this is too funny! I just told my parents today that I need to rent all the Star Wars movies so I can see what will happen to Sam.

Where did you read that spoiler? That scares me :(


Re: Season 3 fairyl May 26 2007, 09:39:36 UTC
OMG that is so cool. See we do share a brain. Lol. I was thinking since it's summer and there's not anything on anyway I can see what bthis Luke and Sam thing is all about.

It was on the thread where that member obsessed over who was on the DVD cover.


Re: Season 3 ibelieveinsam May 27 2007, 08:04:47 UTC
I just told Kayleigh about our Star Wars plan on the board and she sounds like she is in too. She already watched them before and she answered a few questions for me.

I meant to tell you last night that I found that "spoiler" and I wouldn't read too much into it. I think someone probably just speculated about that and she thinks it's a spoiler. A lot of people are convinced that Sam came back wrong. There was a poll on the board and a lot of people answered that Sam came back wrong. I answered that he is still the same. I have to think positive here lol.


Re: Season 3 fairyl May 27 2007, 10:00:49 UTC
Oh that's cool. I haven's really seen the ones about Luke, I only saw the ones about Anakin.

Yeah I figured it wasn't any truth to that. It sounds like speculation mostly anyway. Yeah positive thinking is good, I think he came bck 100% Sam too. Because it would be so wrong on so many levels if we weren't seein 100% Sam. I mean what if he lost 2% lol how the hell would he get those back. It's ridiculous really. So yeah I say he's the same.


Re: Season 3 ibelieveinsam May 28 2007, 05:46:05 UTC
LOL! That just made me think that Sam is now 98% Sam with 2% less fat or something.


Re: Season 3 fairyl May 28 2007, 17:20:42 UTC
Lol yeah. Well it's a bit silly really. The YED demon just wanted to mess with Dean to make him THINK about whether Sam is 100%. But either you're 100% or 0% and Sam is 100% lol.


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