All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2

May 18, 2007 00:58

I'll put this behind a cut because of spoilers.

I really wanted to like this episode. I really did. I was looking forward to it so much. I was completely excited for part 2 until part 2 was almost on. Then the rumors started to fly. One rumor was that Sam would come back wrong or he would be evil. That totally creeped me out. I hoped and prayed that would not happen but now I wonder if it has.

I was surprised they used Carry On My Wayward Son again in the recap, but I really like that song. I found myself singing along to it. I knew the recap was going to end with Dean yelling Sam as he was holding him.

I was mad we did not pick up where we left off and the script said we would. They must have changed it. Boo! I was surprised they stayed in Cold Oak. I mean it's kind of creepy when you think of it. Weren't there bodies around? How did Bobby get KFC too? I thought the woods were hard to travel through. Wow I got off track there huh?

I did like Dean's conversation with dead Sammy. I liked how he said he wanted to take care of him and not just because John asked him to. He broke my heart when he said he screwed up. :( I liked when Sammy came back and Dean came in and hugged him. I didn't see Sam's arms go around Dean though so I'm still up on the air on whether or not it counts as a real hug. I was glad Sammy was even weak and had a scar. Yay for Limp!Sam! I was mad though that Dean wasn't there when Sam woke up and couldn't Dean grab Sam's hand as he was lying there? I have a negative for every positive so you might guess where this is going lol.

I was disappointed that Dean made that deal though. One year is a tough pill to swallow. I was hoping that spoiler was wrong too. I'm not really mad at Dean. I mean that is a big burden for Sam though. He comes back to life only to have to face Dean's death in a year. Dean knows the guilt he felt when John made the deal so I can see why some might not understand how Dean could do that to Sam. I can't say it was completely out of character for Dean though. It's his Sammy and we talked about this on the boards, but Dean thought he should be dead anyway and he would do anything for Sam. However, I am worried about him.

The YED makes me laugh. His AI comment had me cracking up. When Jake told him to go to hell, I knew he was going to say, "Been there. Done that." I said it right along with him lol. I know they were trying to make us see some humanity still left in Jake but he got no sympathy from me. He wanted to win the demon's game and he killed Sammy. He made his choice.

After Sam came back, I kept staring at him the whole time and gauging him. After all these rumors of evil clones and whatnot, I was unsure if that was the real Sammy. He seemed pretty genuine in his feelings for the people at the Roadhouse. Then he said he wanted to tear Jake apart or something like that and I was like, "Uh oh."

I knew Sam was going to kill Jake. I had a pic and I was pretty sure the dead guy was Jake. I was shocked though how much Sam seemed to take such relish in it. He wiped his blood off his face. It reminded me of Dean in Bloodlust. Sam is usually the one who looks for another alternative, but he gave Jake no mercy. They even made Jake beg for his life which made it worse for me. I mean Jake did kill him so he wasn't a good person but still. I could see Sam shooting him once but he shot him several times.

I was a bit taken aback when Jake said he cut Sam's spinal cord. I was like, "No wonder Sam couldn't hold up his head. He was paralyzed" :( I was glad Sam knew then that Dean lied to him and he knew Dean made a deal. Sammy didn't tell him about Mary yet though. Maybe he just didn't want to tarnish her reputation by telling Dean she knew the YED.

The YED's comments made me really wonder though if Sammy came back wrong. I am completely against the idea of Pet Cemetery Sammy. I wondered too if by killing Jake, Sammy finally flipped the switch and gave into the darkness. Is Sammy now general of that demon army? He did seem to know how many demons got out right away too. This was the part that really upset me. I was happy to think that last week the season long question was answered. Sammy walked into the light and chose good. Now it looks like they might be dealing with it again next season. I am wondering if they just want to show a more confident Sammy emerging where he isn't going to worry about whether killing will make him evil and he's going to take care of business. His rage was also probably increased because he realized Jake just made his brother get stuck in a deal with a demon. Sammy was the only one who could kill Jake since he's immune to his powers too. I just still wish he didn't kill him the way he did. Some people think this is good character development for Sam, that instead of just a threat of the darkside, Sam will actually explore the darkside. I am just not interested in it. I don't think Sammy's demon blood has anything to do with making him predisposed to evil. Sam is fully human. He wouldn't be able to walk into a devil's trap if he was part demon. I thought it was proven that choice was involved in whether Sam is good or not. I thought Sammy chose good and I was ready to move on.

I wonder if Sam will keep his abilities now that the YED is dead. If he was born with them, he will. I always thought he was, based on Rosie from Salvation. I figured that is why he was chosen. I thought of the blood as a way to connect him to the YED or a way for the YED to always find him. It would be cool if the death of the YED severed that connection and Sam's powers continue but are now not related to the YED. It could be possible that Sam's death purified his blood and he was like reborn. As long as Sam gets to keep the powers and can no longer go darkside, that's a good scenario for me. Of course, even if Sam was not born with the powers, he could still keep them. His ties to the demon could be severed but the powers are an after effect of what was done to him and can be used for good. Here's to hoping.

John's part was so small. He filmed on a blue screen but I wonder if he was even really there. He had no lines and once again no Sammy and John time. I was mad about that. Sam needed to make peace with his dad's death. I guess John must have went to heaven there at the end. He found peace. I was kind of mad they killed the YED. At least keep him around for another season.

I liked the ending. It was a sweet moment for the boys. I think it showed how much Sammy loves Dean and that he would do anything for him too. Not that we didn't already know it although the EDGS might beg to differ *rolleyes* I wonder if the twist Jensen mentioned is that Sam has to save Dean from a demon like Dean saved him. I'm seeing a big role reversal again. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It seems like Sam will be in the big brother role and I do like Dean in that role a lot. It seems to open doorways for a lot of Limp!Dean next season too. I can picture Dean being near death and Sam bringing him back, then Dean asking him why he bothered since he is going to die anyway. I like Limp!Sam better :( I guess there is a risk Sam could die again though. The Crossroads demon did say that if Dean reneges on the deal, Sam will die.

I am just nervous about next season. I see a possible erratic, aggressive, and impulsive Sam dealing with the burden of a secret. He is going to be much like Dean was this season. I don't mind Sam's emotions being explored. In fact I want that. I just don't want Sam to be evil at all.

This has been a pretty bad night for me. I think I stepped on some toes tonight and ruined some people's enthusiasm. I am in a pretty depressed mood. Last year's finale had me pumped for season 2. This one has me scared about season 3. My apologies for this but I really needed to vent :(

all hell break loose part 2, season 2, supernatural, episode review

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