Oct 06, 2006 22:14

Today is Friday, and it is the start of a three day weekend. Yay! Monday is Columbus Day so I have no school. I do have a TON of homework to do, but I am not even going to think about it until maybe Sunday night. Who knows? Maybe I will put it all off until Monday. I gave my sister advance notice and told her that I didn't think I would be able to ( Read more... )

supernatural, everybody loves a clown, episode review, school, real life

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Comments 27

ineedsafe October 7 2006, 05:56:20 UTC
Aww, sorry your weekend. Hopefully you'll have fun babysitting? LOL. Probably not. Costume hunting sounds fun. I haven't done that in ages. It's not like I've ever dressed up as something interesting. Do you know what you're going to be?

I'm lost on Supernatural. I was suppose to watch it over the summer but I never did. :( I want a paid account too. The ads bother me so I'm not even thinking about the sponsored one.

Ttyl! :D


ibelieveinsam October 8 2006, 03:40:13 UTC
Hi Lyn ( ... )


z3s_keep_going October 8 2006, 01:59:56 UTC
Okay wow you totally gave a full review of SN! I'm with you on Jo- I don't know how I feel about her yet. I'm kind of trying to go into this season with an open mind about that kind of stuff, because I definitely decided Sarah was annoying before I watched the episode... haha. I'm rewatching Shadow right now and it's the part when Dean says he wants them to be a family again and it makes me so sad now that we know what happens! Aww, poor Dean. Dude I thought the whole clown deal was amazing!! I REALLY wanted to see them do something at a carnival because I think that's an amazing setting for one of the episodes. I was super excited for this episode, and it totally was better than I thought it would be. I have to say, the car was amazing "I feel like a soccer mom" Dean is amazing!! Hahahaha. I totally screamed when I saw them driving it like that was the scary part! The part at the end where Dean went crazy on the car seriously broke my heart! I was like, oh no! I REALLY liked how they made Dean fix the car though, instead of hand it ( ... )


ibelieveinsam October 8 2006, 03:52:16 UTC
Hey ( ... )


z3s_keep_going October 8 2006, 03:59:05 UTC
I don't read spoilers. I did last year, and the thing is it's so much more exciting for me if I wait. Anyways, I got the hints about Jo being somewhere in the season, and the idea that she's probably sticking around. I'm glad they didn't really give her a part otherwise I wouldn't have liked her. I don't think...

Seriously, I watch it twice in a bad week... I can't stand watching it ONLY once. Today was bad, I rewatched it, and then I wanted to watch it again. But I contained myself because almost everyone I know doesn't like the show *screw them*. So I try to be nice- even though I don't like them so much for it...


ibelieveinsam October 8 2006, 04:20:05 UTC
I could never give up spoilers. They help me survive the long wait between episodes. There is still an element of surprise too, because they always change something in some way. I can imagine going to the CW boards, it would be hard to remain spoiler free. A lot of people post spoilers in thread titles. I try to keep mine within the spoiler threads. I don't think I would have liked Jo either if they gave her a big part. I don't like the idea of her coming between Sam and Dean. The only relationship I care about on the show is Sam and Dean's anyway ( ... )


sarahlitarose October 10 2006, 08:38:38 UTC
Hullo... I added you, hope you don't mind.

1. I have that sponsered account but I use an ad blocker for my browser so I don't have to look at them. I've still managed to hit my pic limit though. Maybe I'll splurge for a paid account. Hmmm....

2. Most of the people on my flist aren't into SpN and give me blank stares (I imagine) at best and deride at worst when I go on about SpN. So I hit the boards a lot (only the board, really, they're good about keeping spoilers in designated areas or hidden with spoiler tags). I try to stay away from spoilers for the most part, but I give in a lot too, heh.

3. My parents watch the show with me, they like it, but probably wouldn't get the obsessing, rewatching, vidding, discussing it ad nauseum angle. But that's okay, that's what the net is for. :D


ibelieveinsam October 14 2006, 04:51:12 UTC
No I don't mind at all. Thanks :) I'll add you too. It's nice to have new Supernatural LJ friends.

Yeah I'd really like a paid account but I'm broke lol. How much does one cost anyway?

When I'm posting in my LJ, I always wonder if someone is reading it and thinking, this girl has issues. She is far too obsessed with that show. I have been to TWOP before. Do you post there? I am a spoileraholic lol. I have an account so I can read sides. If you read my LJ, you might have noticed. I keep them behind a cut so no one gets spoiled that is spoiler free. I could never be spoiler free. I wouldn't even try for fear of severe withdrawal symptoms lol.

That's cool that your parents watch with you. My dad has seen a few episodes. He called them chuckleheads so when Meg called them that in "Devil's Trap", I was like shout out lol. My mother gets freaked out by it. I showed her a vid I made once, and she saw Sam's eyes bleeding and almost puked. She is way too squeamish lol. I definitely need the net then to discuss the show. :D


sarahlitarose October 14 2006, 05:53:03 UTC
I'm not sure how much a paid account is... though I think I remember reading that they "start" at only two dollars a month. I've been meaning to look into it again but just haven't gotten around to it ( ... )


ibelieveinsam October 14 2006, 06:37:04 UTC
Two dollars a month? That isn't bad.

I can't avoid spoilers for the life of me. I would need a 12 step program or something lol. I tried posting at TWOP, but I had to stop going there. Some of the people there were just very anti-Sam. They made me get upset. I was just there again and I strongly disagree with some of the comments. I hope that doesn't sound rude. Sorry if it does.

It sounds like you have cool parents. My mother practically blocks her eyes if she walks into the room and I'm watching it lol. My dad doesn't get grossed out by it but he just doesn't watch it all the time.


sarahlitarose October 14 2006, 06:56:45 UTC
I went ahead and signed up for Paid tonight... it's $19.95 a year ($1.66 per month) if you can pay with a credit card, so I went with that.

I know where you're coming from about TWoP, or any board really. Especially with this fandom, when the DeanGirls really outnumber the SammyGirls or the BiBro girls (those labels really crack me up) and can tend to be, erm, fervent. I've gotten upset a time or two and then I'd go watch some fanvideos to cleanse my mind, heh.


ibelieveinsam October 14 2006, 07:04:22 UTC
Can you charge the twenty dollars in full for the year? Maybe I'll ask for that as a Christmas gift. How many pics do you get? Is it unlimited because I want a lot of icons lol.

I guess I don't go to that many boards, but at TWoP it seems the worst. I have seen it here and there at another board, but then again the person was from TWoP just posting at the other board.


sarahlitarose October 17 2006, 13:30:35 UTC
Are you talking about Station Zebra? Anyway, I joined TWoP so I could talk about a bunch of different shows without having to sign up at a whole bunch of different boards. Though so far I've mainly posted at SpN and the Prison Break one.

And yes, you can pay the whole year at once. It gives you 35 icons (it said 30, but when I got the account, I ended up with 35). You can get 100 icons if you pay an extra $10 a month but I didn't go for that.


ibelieveinsam October 21 2006, 05:06:00 UTC
I wasn't talking about Station Zebra, although I've seen her posts. I was talking about this other girl. I'm not sure I should post the screen name lol, but it begins with an M if that is an indication. If you want me to tell you, I will write it here. I am a member at the CW boards, same screen name as here if you ever sign up there. Although I am kind of on a hiatus from there right now, since I got into a big fight with a bunch of ASSes (Anti Sam Snobs) or EDGs as some people call them.

35 icons sounds awesome to me. I don't know if my parents will go for it since they are so concerned about the internet all the time. I am not a kid, but I still live at home and they are worried when I am online. Sigh


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