Oct 06, 2006 22:14

Today is Friday, and it is the start of a three day weekend. Yay! Monday is Columbus Day so I have no school. I do have a TON of homework to do, but I am not even going to think about it until maybe Sunday night. Who knows? Maybe I will put it all off until Monday. I gave my sister advance notice and told her that I didn't think I would be able to babysit over the long weekend too, because I really wanted to just do basically nothing. I just want to relish in the idea that I don't have to move lol. Unfortunately, she called me tonight. She's like, "Um Devan. Can I ask you a favor?" Then I'm thinking, oh no she is going to ask me to babysit. Sure enough she asked me if I would babysit, and I think I am going to cave. I can't help it. I have a hard time saying no to people. I didn't give her a definite answer either way, but if she does go out I will probably be babysitting tomorrow night. I also didn't want to go out this weekend, but I think I might have to. I have to pick up a Halloween costume. Halloween will be here before you know it. I all ready know what I am being, and it is fun picking out a costume though. I am taking my niece Trick Or Treating this year. My sister says she is going to dress up too. Guess what she wants to be? A clown. Now if that isn't the most perfect segue, I don't know what is lol.

Thursday was the second episode of season 2 of Supernatural. The episode kicked ass.

About the new characters, I definitely liked Ash. He was funny with that mullet. Ellen was okay I guess. I'm not sure about Jo. The Dean and Jo thing seemed pretty forced and rushed. I was glad we didn't see much of them. I pretty much forgot they were there and focused on Sam and Dean. The clown story was just a side story too. I never was really afraid of clowns I guess, but I might be now. That thing was creepy. It sort of reminded me of the clown in "It". The clown story did bring a lot of much needed humor in the episode. I thought it was absolutely hilarious how Sam was scared of clowns. I loved this part:

Dean: You still bust out crying whenever you see Ronald McDonald on television.
Sam: Well at least im not afraid of flying.
Dean: Planes crash!
Sam: And apparently clowns kill!

I liked how Sam and Dean kept getting each other back too. It kind of reminded me of the prank war in "Hell House", but to a lesser extent. It was so funny when the midget clown walked by Sam. He looked soooo uncomfortable. Then Dean said, “Did you get her number?” LOL! Then Sam gets Dean back for it by letting the blind guy and the midget tease him. Then Dean gets Sam back with the clown chair. Sam’s face was priceless. LMAO! Then when Sam called Dean on the phone, he sounded out of breath:
Sam: Hey man
Dean: What’s the matter? You sound like you just saw a clown.
Sam and Dean are hilarious.

Now while I did love those parts, I loved the sad parts even more. I loved how Sam was crying at the beginning as they burned John's body. Dean was looking stoic, but then he had that little tear sneak out of his eye. It was really touching. Sam sounded so vulnerable when he asked Dean if John said anything before he died. Then Dean lied and told him no. I wonder if Dean is keeping the secret to protect Sam.

I liked when they went to apply for the jobs at the carnival, and Sam said to the guy, "Sir we don’t want to go to school, and we don’t want to live regular. We want this”.

Now most people are thinking that Sam just said that because he is feeling guilty about John's death, and wants to keep hunting for him. However, I always felt that although Sam tried to attain normal, he always knew he could never really have it. Deep down, I think he realizes that hunting is he and Dean's destiny. I also think maybe after John's death, he is rethinking even more now that he and Dean need to stick stick together.

The scene with Sam and Dean walking down the highway was so sad. Dean yelled at Sam and told him that he shouldn't be doing things to please John, because it is too late. Then Sam said, “Why are you saying this to me?” He looked so upset. Now while I think Dean was mean to say those things, I forgive him for it. He's hurt and he's grieving and he is saying things he doesn't mean. That's why people should have cut Sam some slack last season. He was grieving too. He may have said some mean things to Dean too, but he was in pain.

Even though there was so much tension between them, you could just tell that they still care so much about each other. When they were in the Fun House, and the doors shut, and they were so concerned about each other. They yelled out each other's names. Then when the killer clown was behind Sam, Dean yelled, “Behind you, behind you!”

The end of the episode was the most heartbreaking of all. Jensen and Jared just nailed it.
Sam: You were right.
Dean: About what?
Sam: About me and dad. I’m sorry that the last time I was with him, I tried to pick a fight. I’m sorry that I spent most of my life angry at him. I mean, for all I know, he died thinking that I hate him. So you’re right. What I’m doing right now. It is too little, too late. I miss him, man. And I feel guilty as hell. And I am not all right. Not at all, but neither are you. That much I know.
Then Sam's eyes were all filled up with tears, and mine were too. I swear they are filling up right now just thinking about it. I was thinking Dean should have hugged Sam. I am really holding out hope for that brotherly hug. Then Dean proceeds to smash up his car, chin quivering, and I say to myself God I love this show. I just knew he was going to break something. He had that look in his eye. After he was done, I thought Sam would run out and hug Dean. Such wasted opportunities, damn it! I think Sam heard Dean breaking the car, but he was giving him his space.

Next week looks awesome too. Dean is in full protective mode again. I can't wait! I think this season is going to be even better than last season.

On the subject of Supernatural, I plan on making a Supernatural video this weekend. I have my episode all downloaded so I am all set. I would have liked to download episode 2 of season 2 as well, but they don't have any of the 120 MB files yet. I prefer the smaller files, because my computer has serious memory issues. The memory goes up and the memory goes down. Smaller files mean I can download more episodes too. Well there should be a smaller file available maybe next weekend. Then I have a couple more video ideas about what to do with clips from that episode. I finally jumped on the You Tube bandwagon as well. I'm not going to worry about a lawsuit anymore lol. I am trying to get situated over there, and figure everything out. Then I will get all my videos uploaded over there. I also would like to get all caught up on the latest Supernatural news and goodies this weekend. There are so many great icons out there too for the new season. It makes me wish I had a paid account, but alas I have no money. I guess I could get a sponsored account but I hate ads.

supernatural, everybody loves a clown, episode review, school, real life

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