Sep 24, 2007 11:43
I got in this really embarrassing discussion with my dad last night in front of Kirk(new boyfriend). We're driving home from the Indian restaurant and my dad says "who do you think is gonna win the Democratic nomination?" I say Hillary, but that I support Obama. I support him because of his views on education: he's the only one who recognizes that teachers are trained professionals and should be given more freedom to teach how and what they want. So then my dad starts going on this really weird diatribe on how even STUDENTS should be allowed to learn what they want. That the liberal arts should be banned as majors and that everyone should major in something in college that will make them ready for the job market.
And though I'm glad my dad isn't, like, "let all the poor people learn to be janitors" but that everyone should have equal access to being a "productive" member of society, I am TOTALLY FREAKED OUT. Not because my dad believes the liberal arts are "useless". I've always known that. But that he went all crazy know-it-all old man on me. Totally straying from the subject and making little to no sense. And with a head cold and two glasses of wine under my belt I couldn't muster enough energy to engage him in a conversation of the non-senile. I feel it's my duty to challenge what he says so that he doesn't pass into the old and the irrelevant. Because he listens to me. . .or so it seems.