Apr 12, 2005 20:51
People ask, “How are you?” and I always respond, “pretty okay.”
Every so often someone wants to know why I’m not “fantastic” or “ecstatic” or “happy”.
Every so often people want to know why I’m never anything but “okay”.
The fact is that when I’m okay I’m quite satisfied because I know it could be worse. I’ve been there. It’s been worse. I’ve survived harder times than this. I’ve been more antisocial and lived years of my life without friends and without any real motivation to be alive. I’ve been there and its lead me to where I am now. I’m fine with who I am and with what I have and the life I’m living. So all you sissy-ass emo fuckers out there can suck it, cause the pitiful world full of people who never have and never will love you is all in your head. You’re bringing it upon yourself.
I’m not trying to get anywhere in life. I don’t have any goals. I’m not striving to accomplish anything. I’m alive because I choose to be. Because I think life is something worth experiencing.