I just caught 2 shiny Electrikes!!! I've been after it for ages! Like for over a year, but it never wanted to swarm before now. And the best part is I'm not really good at this, but I brought my little Pika girl, "Baby" with her static ability with with me :D And she gave me lots of Electrikes! I got the chain to 40 in like an hour! My good Baby-girl <3
These Electrikes are going on these teams :] I don't have the shiny Pooch yet because I haven't finished Platinum so I can't chain it. And I need another Milotic... I have to start hatching sooon! I keep putting it off.
Besides I want to hatch a Growlithe for a shiny beast team first. I'm probably at 600-700 eggs, but it's been quite some time since I hatched, I've been collecting all summer, autumn and winter with little focus on shinies. This collecting is so addictive!!
Actually I want to add a shiny Suicune to this team one day <3 I couldn't get my DS on line during the Mc Donald's giveaway D: Stupid technology I don't understand you!
I actually have doubles of Vulpix and Ponyta (want two Growlithes too) so that I can keep a shiny pre-evolution. And I will also be switching them back and forth HG and Platinum a little to see their different sprites :3 I really prefer Suicune's D/P/Pt sprite though.
These darlings are:
Kutabeh the Absol (male)
Spirit the Ponyta/Rapidash (male)
Astrale the Vulpix/Ninetales (female)
Neytiri the Shinx/Luxio/Luxray (female)
Lupita the Poochyena/Mightyena (female). The name fits better for a Pooch though...
the Growlithe/Arcanine (male) to be will be named Taiyo :)
aaand maybe one day Suicune which remains to be named ^^
So there you have my non-eevee teams :D I always to do a playthrough with eevee teams on each game oooops. I still tend to use the same pokemon a lot though. And I make teams just for fun, like the beast team with 3 fire types :3
Haha, as you can see I love my in game pokemons, I even make little sprite pics of them x)