Low priority:
aka. things I want but can't get x)
Here's some stuff I want, but might have to wait a while to get. Includes some seemingly unobtainable items here like settei and swing keychains. They're very rare so I try not to think too much about them, but if I ever find some of it, I might get the courage to start collecting and hunt for it ^^
Also some rare and/or expensive zukans, dioramas, rare tomy figures, game consolles ect that I won't be able to afford right away.
Of my favourites? But it will never happen. Imagine finding like eeveelu and Vulpix settei hahaha. Or legendary beasts... Or other canines... Milotic! I must stop toying with that thought. I like too popular pokemon >__< You never know though, maybe this can become a real want and not just something to laugh at :) If it didn't feel impossible, I'd promote setteis to my grail section. Anyway I'm after:
- Vaporeon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Vulpix+Ninetales
- Ponyta+Rapidash
- Growlithe+Arcanine
- Poochyena+Mightyena
- Electrike+Manectric
- Absol
- Suicune
- Raikou
- Entei
- Milotic
Metal swing keychains, -figures, -charms:
- Ponyta, Growlithe, Vulpix swing keychains
- Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon swing keychains
- Jolteon bronze or copper figure
- Flareon bronze or copper figure
- Vaporeon gunmetal figure
Mew(two) tribute/appreciation item:
- Mewtwo & Mew bandai diorama
- Mewtwo and Mew bandai(?) D-arts figure
After seeing the first movie as a nine year old Mew became my favourite pokemon :) He has a special place in my heart and the movie made such an impression on me as a child, so I'd love to one day get an honorary item to Mew and Mewtwo, preferable a battle scene ("Brother my brother" starts playing in my head now haha), like the rare, probably very expensive, but utterly gorgeous bandai diorama. When something like that is likely to happen I do not know so it's here among my low priority wants until it becomes more realistic ;)
Dreaming that I'll magically find that not for sale D-arts diorama xP
One day when I'm rich I'll get these x) Such goreous dioramas!! Buizel and May <333
Auldey (alternate pose) starter figures:
- Charmander and Charmeleon
- Squirtle and Wartortle
Everyone except Croagunk
- Tomy standing Leafeon and Glaceon plush
- Cyndaquil kutakuta beanie
- Laying Buneary plushie from Tomy or Banpresto
Game stuff:
- Pikachu gameboy advanced SP (NIB)
I've been wanting this for many years I just didn't want to spend the money before. Will get when the time is right <3
- Pokemon silver (NIB)