Mar 15, 2005 19:58
So today, me and bill reese and s. morgan olson got the bright idea of seeing how far we could throw me. they have this method where if they both push against me i go in the air. therefore with a little foreward momentum i would go forward. now i'm no physics expert but i think something went wrong. apparently i as a person am quite top heavy. so we count to three i jump and they throw and as soon as i'm in the air, i realize that this wasnt a good idea. this is right before math while mr. falger is out in the hall. mr. falger's floor is quite hard. so right now im in the air. at first i think its okay i'll land on my feet. further along in the arc i realize that my upper body is moving faster than my lower body. normally this isn't a bad thing if your upperbody is moving faster than your lower body, just slow down or trip or something. but not in this situation because im roughly 8 or 9 feet in the air.
so here i am, roughly 8 or 9 feet in the air, my upper body moving faster than my lower body, and the very very hard ground is rapidly approaching. at this point i begin my decent. i'm now well aware my upper body is going to hit the ground. the desent happened alot faster than the departure. i broke the fall with my hands which was immediatly followed by my face, and then the rest of my body. so i'm laying on the ground well aware that i could be dead as i hear s. morgan olson declare that "O shit." now at this point i question the relevance of O's bowell functions. after quickly realizing the grave miscalculation that was made in the planning of this ordeal, i find humor in the situation as i turn back to see megan marcaurelle who is gasping as death falls over her face.
so as i return to life and laugh hysterically bill and olson as well laugh. the after-affects, my hand quite hurts right now and my other arm is quite week. bad idea for us. have a nice day.