❦ 22nd Record

Feb 16, 2011 12:47

[[ooc: Slightly backdated to the morning of Feb. 15.]]

I'm finally myself again. Well, I was always myself, but I'm not a child anymore.

[Slight pause] The fish is still following me.

Lezard-san, Locket-san--as long as nothing else ends up happening, I'll start coming in to work on my normal schedule again.

event: animal familar, ❧Hawk [Kouei], way too calm, the fish talks, what the hell just happened here, event: pick your poison, ❧Mindelan (Peachblossom) [Keladry], ❧Bellflower [Retsu Unohana], ❧Cara [Krile Maia Baldesion]

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